Multilinear geometry (1-2 credits)

5.2. - 16.2.2018 (updated 18.2.2018)

Erasmus exchange teacher, professor Eric Lehman, gives a course on Multilinear geometry in February 2018.

Teacher: Professors Eric Lehman (emeritus, Université de Caen, France)
Local coordinator: Martti Pesonen (M203)
Course main www-page (this page):

Course material
Lecture notes all together:


Schedule version 2

Monday 5.2. at 16.15 -17.55 M304
Tuesday 6.2. at 16.05-17.45 M304
Wednesday 7.2. at 8.15-10 M304 (a break at 9)
Thursday 8.2. at 16.05-17.45 M304

Monday 12.2. at 16.05-17.45 M304
(Tuesday 13.2. cancelled due to sports afternoon)
Wednesday 14.2. at 8.15-10 M304 (a break at 9)
Thursday 15.2. at 16.05-17.45 M304
Friday 16.2. at 16.05-17.45 M304

Latest courses:
Barycentric-calculus 2017
Billiards geometry 2016
Differential Projective Geometry and Schwarzian Derivative 2015
Hyperbolic Geometry 2014
Spherical Geometry 2012

Information: Lehman or Pesonen
eric.lehman {cat tail}
martti.pesonen {cat tail}