Problems 3
3a) Try to see by tracing the image of the real number set.
Hint. Use tracing and move z along the horizontal axis, the real part x = Re z axis.
Finally, see the image of the x-axis under f by clicking the button Image of x-axis.
3b) Reset by using the computer key 'R', and choose again b and c at random (or leave them as they are).
Click the buttons Show z1 and z2 and Show segment z1z2.
You should see the segment connecting the zeros of f, i.e. the two numbers z1 and z2,
for which f(z1) = 0 = f(z2). Try with z. You also see a movable red point on the segment; it's there to help you.
Click the green buttons Segment and Animate z on segment (the animation is stopped by the same button).
When z describes the segment, the same time f(z) = z2 + bz + c is describing its image, the curve called locus.
Click on the green Locus button to see the image { f(z) | z on the segment }.
Change the segment using its endpoints A and B. The locus is nearly always an arc of a parabola.
3c) What is the shape of the locus when it is not an arc of parabola?
Answer 3c):
3d) When does it happen (use the red point on the segment)?
Answer 3d):
3e) Click on Show (z1+z2)/2. Can you see whether you were right?
Answer 3e):
3f) Hide z1, z2 and [1/2](z1 + z2).
Can you imagine a new method of finding z1 and z2, using the segment and its image under f?
3g) Difficult question, not compulsory:
Prove that your answers above are always true.