Pipsa Pakarinen, Anni Hirvonen, Sonja Vuojolainen
The workshop arranged by the Department of Physics and Mathematics entertained well children and youth. Most of the visitors are 5th class pupils, but there are students up to high school.
– The group starts with solving a secret code and then continues with various puzzling problem. We have created for example tetrahedrons, explains Annukka Tarvainen, a pre-service mathematics and physics teacher student who is dressed as a wizard.
– Especially the high school students have been excited about finding new facets in mathematics. Our aim is that maths clubs could be organized again in Joensuu schools.
MSc Tiina Komulainen, working in Oulu LUMA center (LUMA = natural sciences and mathematics), explained how the groups can become Jippo researchers (Jippo is a youth journal for sciences).
– They find new tasks according to hints and finally find the Jippo web pages. Here is for example a version of the Einstein puzzle. Only two per cent of people are able to solve this, says Komulainen.
Erasmus teacher exchange professor Eric Reyssat from the University of Caen, France, introduced the pupils to the secrets of Möbius strips The English language did not cause problems, since the workshop tutors translated the instructions to the smallest.
– We make here very exciting mathematical things. Although Eric speaks English, it doesn't matter. At first the idea of a maths workshop did not interest me but after all, one can well enjoy staying here, tells Mika Juntunen, 15, from Kiihtelysvaara school 9th grade.
– It has been fun here because we learn new things. I think SciFest suits for all. Right now we cut some paper here, describes Juntunen's class mate Jarno Ojala, 15.
The workshop had activated also Jaana Hoffrén, 16, from Kiihtelysvaara.
– It is cool to be here, at least nicer than in school. The event has been well tutored and I could come here again. For next year one should consider adding workshops that one can attend without group pre-registration. I have attended also workshops in the Science Park, Hoffrén explains.
The Maths workshop was visited by Jenna Palviainen, Sonja Vuojolainen, Jaana Hoffrén, Pipsa Pakarinen and Anni Hirvonen from Kiihtelysvaara upper school, under the guidance of Eric Reyssat (in the middle of the photograph).