How many gyms have you tried? How many different diets? How many different therapies? How many different methods have you tried in search of the silver bullet? Are you here searching for the formula that you best fit into? The information that is most congruent with your day to day life?

The information that you have been searching for that will make everything better? 

If that’s TRULY what you are looking for you are probably in the wrong place.

We believe you have all the information, we believe you have tried every formula. We believe all the information that will best serve you is already within you.

If that sounds mystical it’s not meant to.

You see there was a time when you moved perfectly, when you were able to run and jump and climb and roll all day without consideration of fitness, or strength or pain or injury.

There was a time when you gave no consideration to what you ate, you ate only for pleasure and to satisfy hunger not to weight or energy or what other people thought. 

You ate beautifully and you played and you did it YOUR way.


We believe our job is to help you to get back to YOUR formula. To remember what best served you before everyone else convinced you that their formula was best.

We do all the things that you expect of personal trainers. We help you lose weight, in fact we believe we are the best in the business. We help with toning and muscle gain, we help you recover from injuries and to re-gain freedom of movement.

BUT we believe that other people’s rules, other people’s right and wrongs, other people’s good and bad, other people formulas, other peoples BEST, other people do’s and don’t’s, other people diets and other people’s workouts are not the answer but the problem.

Your overwhelm, your stress, your anxiety, your current health, are the product of what everyone else says you should be doing.

At absolute health we don’t want to create dependants on our formula but help you to re-gain your own independence, to live a life on your terms by your rules.

We do this by offering a truly personal service


Personal training has become the ‘up sell’ of health clubs putting fitness instructors through a six week qualification. Teaching them little more than standing next to their client and counting reps, the accountability of the craft has all but disappeared.
Standing against this tide we are prepared to offer our clients a 100% money back guarantee if they do not reach their agreed goal in the agreed time. The way we are able to offer this extra-ordinary guarantee is by being very selective about who we working with and telling you the truth all the way through the process.   During our initial consultation we will dig down deeper into your goals and motivations than you or anyone else ever has.  If we believe we are a good fit and that we can help you we will then outline to you the required commitment and time frame we believe is required in order to get you to where you want to be. If at this stage we are both happy and excited to get started we will invite you to work with us.  I guess this makes us an invitation only service.

So how do we get you these AMAZING results if its all coming from you?


We start off by showing you where you are.

A full movement Screening will show us exactly how your body moves and will leave us with a map to return it to full function.

Our in-depth health and nutrition screening will show us exactly which diet will best serve you and get you results you never believed possible.

Our PURE coaching method will help you to work in partnership with that inner voice that sabotages your efforts and finally move towards you goals without feeling like you are fighting again constant resistance.

We will then work together to create a simple and clear strategy to get you to your goal that will appear so straight forward you’ll know that achieving your goal is a done deal.

This doesn’t mean that it won’t be hard work.  You aren’t required to be super fit or posses super human will power to start this process but we do expect you to give each session your all and apply yourself fully to the tasks you agree to undertake.

None of our team are drill sergeants, in fact we want the experience to be a joy for you as we want it to be for ourselves.  We get our pleasure from helping our clients to achieve fast results without suffering to get them we only ask that you full apply yourself.

To book a free no obligation consultation with a coach call 01179 555 258 Now and find out if we are a good fit. 


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