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Welcome to Dolphin Cove Ocho Rios

arial shot of dolphin cove jamaicaThis magnificent property has a natural cove which is surrounded by 5 acres of lush tropical rain forest. Visitors have the opportunity to interact and "Swim With" dolphins in their natural environment while enjoying the thrill and love of these amazing animals. Visitors can also swim, hold, feed, and learn about the evolutionary secrets of the Caribbean sharks.  Visitors can capture their dream of being a dolphin trainer by taking the challenge of being “Sea Keeper” for the day.

Did you know that swimming with the dolphins is considered one of the top ten bucket list items?  When you come to Dolphin Cove Jamaica, you not only get a chance to live this dream, you have the opportunity to knock off a few more like riding a camel, swimming with the sharks, or even SeaTrek with the dolphins.  Dolphin Cove is a place where you come for the day but remember for a lifetime. 

While strolling around in our Jungle Trail, you will notice many different wild animals and creatures from the lizards to spiders.  These things are natural to Jamaica and, because of that, we have them here.  You will also notice we do not trim our trees because this is to be lush and beautiful just like our island of Jamaica.  Jamaica is full of natural wonders and beauty and that is what we want you to see and enjoy at Dolphin Cove Jamaica.

Dolphin Cove is the place to spend the day enjoying lots of fun activities. There is something for everyone. Entrance includes full use of the following activities.

  • Mini-boats and explore the coast
  • Interact and snorkel with stingrays
  • Take a glass-bottom kayak ride to explore the fascinating underwater world
  • Watch our hilarious Shark Show
  • Interact with exotic birds, snakes and iguanas on the Jungle Trail walk
  • Relax on our glistening white sandy beaches

Guests can enjoy the tropical surroundings, taste our famous Jamaican coffee at our Star Buccaneers coffee shop, browse for souvenirs or jewellery at our very own gift shops. See the Shark Show while the pirates roam freely along the boardwalk of “Little Port Royal” and perform a “jig or two”.  Be entertained while you are having lunch against the backdrop of the Caribbean Sea.  Play some games, win a prize, learn a little about Jamaica and Dolphins.  At Dolphin Cove Jamaica there are activities to keep you busy for the entire day.  Come for the Dolphins, stay for the day.  

Entrance is included with all dolphin and shark interactive programs. Once at Dolphin Cove, you’ll have an “Experience of a Lifetime”. 

collage of activities at dolphin cove jamaica

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The Caribbean's Number 1 Attraction

Dolphin Cove Jamaica has been named the Caribbean's Leading Adventure Excursions Operator for two consecutive years by the World Travel Awards.  These awards cement Dolphin Cove's position as a world leader in adventure excursions.

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