What Is CrossFit?

The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement.”
But what does this actually mean?

Who We Are

Kate Klaers – Owner/Head Trainer
Fitness and nutrition have always been a staple in my life.

Mission Statement

Our mission is two-fold. First, to provide an encouraging and supportive fitness experience, one that is progressive and tailored to each individual’s needs.

Events & Happenings

Eat to Perform 6-week Nutrition Challenge:  October 5 – November 16th

Training Resources

CrossFit is like a “school of fitness”, so you need the proper equipment to learn.

Foodie Resources

At CrossFit Athlete Lab, our idea of health and wellness goes beyond what you do in the gym.  It starts with how you fuel your body.

Multi Media Bar

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

CROSSFIT CLASS STRENGTH/SKILL Burpee Efficiency METCON For Time: 500 Burpees *40 Minute...

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

STRENGTH/SKILL For Top Weight: 20 Minute EMOM, preform 1 lift then add 10-20...

Monday, March 30, 2015

CROSSFIT CLASS SKILL/STRENGTH 5 Sets of: 8 Deadlifts (A:275/178) (F: 205/133) 8 ADAP Box...

Friday, March 27, 2015

STRENGTH/SKILL: For Weight: 6×3 (touch and go) Snatch *Last 3 sets are 75% of...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH For Time: With a partner, 10 rounds of: Partner A: Row 250m Partner B:...