We help our clients restore their health on a cellular level.

  • 1 Day of Juicing restores 80 – 120 Days of Life

    The Whole Body Vibe Studio focuses on healing through nutrition. Our goal is to provide a more holistic approach to recovery and wellness that heals from the inside out.

    Meet our lovely staff

    Kimba Fonte-Tule
    M.S in Holistic Health

    Suzanne C.
    Cleansing Coach

    Colon Hydrotherapist

    Juicing Expert

  • Juicing allows our colon to take a digestive holiday

    We help you heal the natural way! Whether you’re planning to make some big changes to your lifestyle, or just want to stay healthy, our team of professionals will be able to help. Schedule a consultation.

    Select from 3 Different Cleanses


    Short and sweet, the 30 Day Cleanse will help you get your body back into shape.


    The 60 Day Cleanse will purge your body of toxins and make it feel as good as new.


    For those who want to feel their absolute best, the 90 day cleanse will get the job done.

    Want to do a longer cleanse that lasts over 90 Days? Get more info.

    Our juice cleanses help:

    • Restore Energy Levels
    • Improve and Maintain Mineral Efficiency
    • Naturally Improve Skin
    • Detox Your Body
    • Boost Your Immune System

    Find a Juice for you

  • Your Health, Your Goals

    At Whole Body Vibe Studio, your health is our #1 priority. That’s why we take the extra step to fully understand you and your health history. Instead of relying on medical reports, we go straight to the source. This is done by live and dried blood microscopy. Each drop of blood has over 5 million cells. By closely examining these cells, we can learn a tremendous amount about your actual level of health.

    Live and dried blood microscopy helps you:

    • Discover your true level of health
    • Understand what’s happening in your body
    • Change your health for the better

    Schedule a Consult

  • Detox, Replenish, Recover: Take the Three Steps to Health

    Our holistic approach will help you reach your health goals. We’ll walk you through the steps to complete wellness in mind and body.
    We offer the following services.





    Whole Body

    In-Home Gerson

We have NEW Juicing recipes for you to try, all with
different healing properties, discover yours!

Browse Juices

Real Success Stories

Fat Loss. Complete Body Detox. Health Problems.



Featured Story

Meet David, he walked away from 60 lbs in 60 days! Now on to maintenance. Check back in with David in 30 days to see how he progresses

RichardWeight Loss

I can honestly say this was one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life. In the end the payoff was worth more than all the sacrfices. I lost 28lbs, I'm 52 and feel great! Thank you Whole Body Vibe!

HaliGeneral Health

The days of feeling tired and sluggish are over! My mind is clear; my heart is full of love and great expectancy for the future! I praise God for this precious gift HE has given to us all!

MoniaBlood Diagnosis

I finished my 30 day cleanse, shockingly! When I came in I was tired, fat, and sluggish. I just wanted to be healthier! I couldn't have done it without your help or support, thank you!

Are you ready to take the journey?

Begin my story now
Schedule a Consultation
Begin your story!
Juice Therapy


The first step is deciding to do something about your health! Don’t accept another prescription, diagnosis, no-hope-for-a-cure answer from your doctor. Instead, take action and start learning how juice therapy can improve the quality of your life.

Lose Weight and Have No Health Issues

You have options to start:

  • Pre-Cleanse A (Week One)
    Nutrient-dense, organic juice for breakfast, a solid meal for lunch, and dinner. Throughout the day you will also take key supplements. This Pre-Cleanse A phase will last for 7 days.
  • Pre-Cleanse B (Week Two)
    nutrient-dense, organic juice for breakfast, a solid meal for lunch, and another organic juice for dinner. Throughout the day you will continue to take key supplements. Pre-cleanse B phase will last for 7 days
  • Cleanse
    Nutrient-dense, organic juice for all three meals during the day. You will be infusing your system with the highest, most bioavailable nutrition available for a minimum of 14 days depending on which Juice Therapy program you choose.
  • Post Cleanse
    After your Juice Therapy program is complete, we lead you through a reintroduction process and continued education to help you stay clean beyond your cleanse.

Lose Weight and Improve Current Health

There’s no time to waste:

  • Pre-Cleanse B (Week Two)
    nutrient-dense, organic juice for breakfast, a solid meal for lunch, and another organic juice for dinner. Throughout the day you will continue to take key supplements. Pre-cleanse B phase will last for 7 days
  • Cleanse
    Nutrient-dense, organic juice for all three meals during the day. You will be infusing your system with the highest, most bioavailable nutrition available for a minimum of 14 days depending on which Juice Therapy program you choose.
  • Post Cleanse
    After your Juice Therapy program is complete, we lead you through a reintroduction process and continued education to help you stay clean beyond your cleanse.

Recover From Serious Health Issues

Start Juicing Therapy

  • Start Your Juice Cleanse
    Juice therapy focuses on two main goals: toxicity removal and deficiency replenishment.
  • Cleanse
    Nutrient-dense, organic juice for all three meals during the day. You will be infusing your system with the highest, most bioavailable nutrition available for a minimum of 14 days depending on which Juice Therapy program you choose.
  • Post Cleanse
    After your Juice Therapy program is complete, we lead you through a reintroduction process and continued education to help you stay clean beyond your cleanse.