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@PortisheadLido Think you are all great examples of how people encourage & involve others to make things happen

Lido Girl, Twitter

Pool Facilities

Pool heated with green energy

An open air dip without the nip - maintained to typically 28 C...

Toddler Pool

Warm, non-slip & shallow for babies, crawlers & toddlers

Tuck Shop

Coffee & tea from 50p plus sweets, costumes & more


What's happening? View the timetable »


View Larger Map Mon-Fri 13:00-19:00 Sat-Sun 08:30-19:00
News from our blog

Christmas Day Festive Dip

Christmas Day dawned bright and sunny for our...

Report on Trust AGM 27 November 2014

At last week’s AGM, Trust members and...

Swimming can help your balance

One of the many benefits of regular swimming may...

Macmillan Coffee Morning held by volunteers raises £1500 for cancer support

Our Macmillan Coffee Morning was a magnificent...