Swimtots adult and child lessons - Swimcentral

Welcome to Swimtots

adult and child swimming

lessons for 2-4 year olds

Children learn how to move, play and socialise; building water confidence and swimming skills as they progress through each of the 5 levels.
♦ 30-minutes in a lovely heated pool
♦ Qualified and experienced swimming teachers
♦ Increased water confidence
♦ Family friendly atmosphere

Playing in a small groups will build your child’s swimming confidence and help them develop independence in the water.
We teach basic safety and swimming techniques while your child discovers the water safely.

> Free trial

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Small Classes – Support for every child

Children learn how to swim at a different rates. Class sizes are small to support every swimmer during the lesson. New activities are introduced gradually and at the right pace. We deliver lively swimming lessons, providing a positive experience of water that will remain with your child for their lifetime.

Confident swimming behaviour

You should expect swimmers to stay with their group for at least year. When children are comfortable with their surroundings, they learn swimming skills quickly and their confidence gets a real boost.

A natural swimming progression

Those who are moved up a stage before they are ready can quickly loose confidence. We monitor and encourage children continuously; looking for patterns of repeated skills and confident swimming behaviour.

When a swimmer is capable of performing each skill in their stage without hesitation, the next stage comes as a natural progression. We are proud that our swimmers can demonstrate sound skills in every stage.

Fun for adults too!

Regular visits help your child to settle into the new surroundings. The fun activities enjoyed in the swimming lessons can also be used at bathtime! With these happy associations, your child will soon move, play and socialise in water with growing confidence. It is a great way to bond and have fun!