Part-of-Speech Tag Search Instruction

We used the ARK tagger to assign POS tags to the English data in the NTS. ARK is a set of tools for Twitter data and has been developed at the Carnegie Mellon University. You can find more information and details about ARK here.

Tag Set Description Example
N common noun (NN, NNS) books someone
O pronoun (personal/WH; not possessive; PRP, WP) it you u meeee
S nominal + possessive books' someone's
^ proper noun (NNP, NNPS) lebron usa iPad
Z proper noun + possessive America's
L nominal + verbal he’s book’ll iono (= I don’t know)
M proper noun + verbal Mark’ll
V verb incl. copula, auxiliaries (V*, MD) might gonna ought couldn’t is eats
A adjective (J*) good fav lil
R adverb (R*, WRB) 2 (i.e., too)
! interjection (UH) lol haha FTW yea right
D determiner (WDT, DT, WP$, PRP$)i the teh its it’s
P pre- or postposition, or subordinating conjunction (IN, TO) while to for 2 (i.e., to) 4 (i.e., for)
& coordinating conjunction (CC) and n & + BUT
T verb particle (RP) out off Up UP
X existential there, predeterminers (EX, PDT) both
Y X + verbal there’s all’s
# hashtag (indicates topic/category for tweet) #acl
@ at-mention (indicates another user as a recipient of a tweet) @BarackObama
~ discourse marker, indications of continuation of a message across multiple tweets RT and : in retweet construction RT @user : hello
U URL or email address
E emoticon :-) :b (:
$ numeral (CD) 2010 four 9:30
, punctuation (#, $, '', (, ), ,, ., :, ``) !!! .... ?!?
G other abbreviations, foreign words, possessive endings, symbols, garbage (FW, POS, SYM, LS) ily (I love you) wby (what about you) ’s  --> awesome...I’m