The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) appears frequently in our research. Bellow we offer links to datasets that have emerged from our work.

1. O-Mopsi dataset has been generated from O-Mopsi games with the nodes representing real-world targets in <Latitude, Longitude> format. Many of the instances have been played by people by moving outdoors and using GPS trackers. The weight of the links should be computed using the Haversine distance.

2. Dots dataset has been generated from Mopsi Dots games with the nodes having integer coordinates in the scale [0, 100]. Majority of these instances were solved by people using a mouse and a designated software. The weight of the links should be computed using the Euclidean distance.

3. TSPLIB-10 includes ten selected datasets from TSBLIB: pr76, u159, d198, pcb442, d657, gr666, pr1002, u1060, pr2392, fl3795.

The datasets follow the TSPLib format.