Eye tracking course @ UEF (3621587)

Eye tracking, 5 ECTS, 3621587

Roman Bednarik & Interactive Technology research group researchers

Eye and human visual system, visual attention, pupilometry, eye movements, eye tracking principles, eye-movement data analysis and visualization, applications of eye-tracking, eye-tracking as a usability evaluation method, real-time gaze-based and gaze-added interaction.


After the course, students will be able to set up and handle eye-tracking hardware equipment, set up a simple eye-tracking study and analyze the data independently. They will understand the principles of eye-tracking, on physiological, theoretical, software and hardware levels. They will also be able to understand the principles, benefits and challenges of gaze-based interaction. More information on http://cs.uef.fi/pages/bednarik/eyetracking. The course will be lectured in English.


Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Andersson, R., Dewhurst, R., Jarodzka, H., & Van de Weijer, J. (2011). Eye tracking: A comprehensive guide to methods and measures. OUP Oxford. Handouts

Sign up for the course using web-oodi!

Lectures will be released through UEF Moodle. Demos will be held in the eye-tracking lab (agreed separately). Registered students will be informed in time.