Table of content:

Week 1: Representation, color models, basic operations (slides1) (slides2)
Week 2: Histogram equalization, filtering, quadtree, split-and-merge (slides3)
Week 3: Region growing, edge following, thresholding (slides4)
Week 4: Hough transform, binary image processing (slides5)
Week 5: Skeletonizing, halftoning, dithering, morphology
Week 6: Pseudo coloring, color image processing, dissertation (slides6, article, thesis)
Week 7: Color quantization, clustering (slides7, article, software)
Week 8: Image retrieval, motion analysis (slides8, article, web-demo)
Week 9: Advanced filtering, color spaces (slides9a) (slides9b)
Week 10: Vectorization (slides10)

Lecture notes:

Image Processing (Part 1/2): Word format, Post script
Image Processing (Part 2/2): Word format, Post script
Image Compression: Word format

Supplementary material:

Article: Location invariant dithering
Article: Iterative splitting
Article: Iterative merging (PNN)
Article: Randomized Local Search
Article: Content-based matching; Same as presentation slides
Web-demo: Content-based retrieval
Software: Clustering

Other material available in our library in Science Park:

Issues of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2000--)
Issues of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence (2000--)
Issues of Journal of Electronic Imaging (2000--)
Issues of Pattern Recognition Letters (2000--)
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP): 98, 99, 01, 02, 03.
Proceedings of Scandinavic Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA): 99, 01, 03, 05
IEEE Xplore archive (available only via university network)