You are on the web page of Multigaze framework project - a software package, developed for evaluating
users collaboration over the network. It provide means for processing and analysing gaze information
in addition to the standart VNC remote desktop control functionality.
Multiple clients browse and control the same shared workspace simultaniosuly, performing joint actions.
Gaze visualisation
Every user can observe focus areas of other participants by virtue of customizable gaze-cursors.
Data gathering
Server accumulate and log gaze events, received from all connected clients. That enables run-time or
post-processing analysis.
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Multigaze framework is a remote desktop software built upon TightVnc open-source project
(version 1.3.10). It extends base package by adding functionality on collecting, processing and distributing gaze information.
Multigaze framework allows multiple clients view and control shared workspace, browsing gaze-cursors that marks other participants focus areas.
Common performance of the system allows comfortable work with textual and graphical
documents over the system. In some cases it is also possible to use media materials (video,...), but it tightens requirements to the network
connection and hardware.
Multigaze framework implements a set of use cases, that allows to utilize it in various collaboration scenarios:
Remote work areas
- application window
- rectangular area
- full desktop
Gaze-cursor customization
- shape (circle, pointer,...)
- label
- color
- transparency
Multigaze framework project was designed to allow relative simple improving of gaze data visualization and processing.
It is possible to add/change shapes and drawing modes of focus area highlighting marks. Server also can be improved
to perform complex processing of joint data reports and react on gaze events in a run-time.
This project is released and licensed under the
GNU General Public License, version 2.0. You can download, use it for any legal purposes (including commercial ones) and redistribute
package verbatim copies. It is also allowed to modify the software and distribute modifications, under condition - use GPL for licensing the result.
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Multigaze framework software package components:
Windows server (
bin |
) - core of the system. It should be installed on the PC, that
will be a source of a shared workspace. Server accumulates all gaze
information, received from connected clients for further complex
processing. It also logs all processed gaze events;
Java client (
bin |
) - component, responcible for collecting gaze information from connected
eye-tracker, processing data and visualizing other clients gaze-cursors;
ETUDriver sink (
bin |
) - ATL sink, used to organize communication between ETUDriver and java
Software dependencies
Multigaze framework java client requires Eye-Tracking Universal Driver
to communicate with eye-tracker. It is also strongly advised to use DFMirage driver (link)
to improve the overall performance of the system.
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User manual
Common description of Multigaze framework interfaces and use cases
System description
Common description of Multigaze framework system architecture and fetures
Previouse versions and recent changes
Client Java-doc
Multigaze framework java client source codes documentation (do not include TightVNC source codes description)
Server API doc
Multigaze framework windows server source codes documentation (do not include TightVNC source codes description)
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