Organizer: Pasi Fränti
Program | ||
9.1. klo 14:15, 2D106B | Ville Hautamäki | Maximum a posteriori adaptation of the centroid model for speaker verification |
9.1. klo 14:45, 2D106B | Dr. Tomi Kinnunen | Dimension reduction of the modulation spectrogram for speaker verification |
4.2. klo 13-14, 2D106B | Prof. Dr. Habil. Gintautas Dzemyda | Introduction to the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnus, Lithuania |
24.09. klo 15, B179 | Prof. PengFei Shi | New progress of intelligent recognition and applications |
The seminar is open for anyone!
Esitelmän voi pitää joko englanniksi (suositus) tai suomeksi.
Seminar in 2007 |
Seminar in 2009 (to appear)