Research Seminar (Tutkimusseminaari)

Organizer: Pasi Fränti


9.1. klo 14:15, 2D106B Ville Hautamäki Maximum a posteriori adaptation of the centroid model for speaker verification
9.1. klo 14:45, 2D106B Dr. Tomi Kinnunen Dimension reduction of the modulation spectrogram for speaker verification
4.2. klo 13-14, 2D106B Prof. Dr. Habil. Gintautas Dzemyda Introduction to the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnus, Lithuania
24.09. klo 15, B179 Prof. PengFei Shi New progress of intelligent recognition and applications

The seminar is open for anyone!

Esitelmän voi pitää joko englanniksi (suositus) tai suomeksi.

Seminar in 2007 | Seminar in 2009 (to appear)