Tälle sivulle on koottu linkkejä vuoden 2008 ja 2009 ohjelmistotuotannon konferensseihin. Jokaisesta konferensista on esitetty ajankohta, konferenssin nimi ja paikka. Lisäksi voit katsoa muitakin konferenssitapahtumia ACM:n ACM Calendar of Events ja International Software Quality Institute iSQI:n sivuilta.

Vuoden 2008 konferensseja

7.-10.1.2008: Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, HICSS-41, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
4.-5.3.2008: Software and Systems Quality Conference, SQC, Dublin, Irlanti
15.-18.4.2008: Software and Systems Quality Conference, SQC, Düsseldorf, Saksa
20.5.2008: Software and Systems Quality Conference, SQC, Geneva, Sveitsi
10.-18.5.2008: ACM/IEEE, International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, Leipzig, Saksa, katso myös: http://www.icse-conferences.org/
10.-14.6.2008: International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, Limerick, Irlanti
10.-13.6.2008: The European SEPG conference, München, Saksa, katso myös: International SEPGS
23.-25.6.2008: International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, Profes, Rooma, Italia
26.-27.6.2008: EASE2008, Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, University of Bari, Bari, Italia
1.-3.7.2008: The 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE, San Francisco Bay, USA
14.-17.7.2008: International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
27.-31.7.2008: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology: Technology Management for a Sustainable Economy, PICMET, Kapkaupunki, Etelä-Afrikka, katso myös: Who Should Attend PICMET'08
28.7.-1.8.2008: 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2008, Turku
4.-8.8.2008: Agile2008 Conference, Agilealliance, Toronto, Kanada
3.- 5.9.2008: European Conference on Software Process Improvement, EuroSPI'2008, Dublin, Irlanti
8.-12.9.2008: 16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Barcelona, Katalonia, Espanja
12.-13.8.2008: International Conference on Quality Software, QSIC, Oxford, Iso-Britannia
24.-26.9.2008: 11th International Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology, Conquest'08, Potsdam, Saksa
28.9-4.10.2008: IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, ICSM, Peking, Kiina
9.-10.10.2008: 2td International Symposium Software Engineering and Measurements, Kaiserslautern, Saksa
Conference announcements for the international Ada community

Vuoden 2009 konferensseja

5.-8.1.2009: Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, HICSS-42, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
16.-24.5.2009: ACM/IEEE, 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, Vancouver, Kanada Katso myös http://www.icse-conferences.org/