Project topics for DRL on video games summer school 2019

Following is a list of four possible topics for project work on second week.

For all challenges, report/return following (One zip file with everything in it. Report in PDF format):

Return your project submissions via email to with title beginning with `[Summer School]`

Deadline is same as for learning diary (30.8.2019).

1) Imitation learning in Atari

Apply imitation learning (behavioral cloning) on Atari games:

2) DQN in ViZDoom

Apply Deep Q Learning to ViZDoom environments:


3) Self-play in Toribash

In competitive games, one intuitive way to train better agents is to let it fight against itself. Try this in Toribash with Torille environment:


4) Joker card: Pick environment, pick algorithm and train!

Find an environment where you want to train an agent, find a good implementation of learning algorithm, and see what happens when you combine these two!

Note: Select a learning algorithm + environment combination that does not have existing set of hyperparameters available. E.g. stable-baselines has "Model Zoo" that has bunch of pre-trained models along with their hyperparameters. Pick something new!

While at first glance this may seem trivial, succesfully training agents may take environment-specific tuning of hyper-parameters. Good starting point is to look at hyperparameters with same learning algorithm in similar environments.

One listing of environments:

Some reinforcement learning libraries (there are a bunch of them but only few are of high quality): stable-baselines, RLLib, pytorch-rl.