LAMAD: Location-aware mobile applications development (5 cp) 3621547

Course description

First we study background of location-aware applications including positioning and mapping. We then focus development on web (HTML and Javascript) and mobile (Android). Necessary server-side solutions are covered and provided via API. Case studies of popular apps are covered during the last part of the lecture.

Course requirements

The course consists of 28 hours of lectures, 6 exercises and a course project to be completed during the course as a group work.


Basic knowledge of progamming languages (HTML, Javascript, Java) and data structures.


Teacher: Radu Mariescu-Istodor (TB341)
Schedule: 28 h, starting from 15.10 at 12:00.
Tuesday 10-12
Wednesday 10-12
Room: TB180 (Joensuu), F213 (Kuopio)
Schedule and Lecture Notes


Teacher: Radu Mariescu-Istodor (TB341)
Schedule: 12 h, starting from 26.10.
Friday 8-10
Room: TB180 (Joensuu), F213 (Kuopio)

Exercises 1
Exercises 2
Exercises 3
Exercises 4
Exercises 5
Exercises 6

Group Project

The project is optional, however, it will help to increase your grade.
Rules and ideas are presented here, however, you may invent a topic of your own.

Important dates:
  2.11 - Draw a Mockup for your project here
16.11 - Status report (teacher gives feedback)
30.11 - Project presentations (+ grading)



1. Monday 17.12. 12-16 (Joensuu: M100, Kuopio: SN100)
2. Friday 1.2. 12-16 (Joensuu: M100, Kuopio: CA101)
(Register via WebOodi 7 days before)

Recommended literature

R. Ferraro & M. Aktihanoglu, Location-Aware Applications, Manning Publications, 2011