Outdoor snake game (Snake)

Description: Kuvahaun tulos haulle snake icon free

* icon has copyright




User location.



Sequence of targets the user must reach by moving outdoors.



-          This is to get gamers off from their chair. J

-          Snake game was a success in the past. Maybe you can bring it back to life!



To pass, you must create a mobile app showing the user’s changing location as he/she moves. A target appears ( 100 - 400 m away ). When user is close ( < 20 m ), target should disappear and new one appears elsewhere.

For a higher UpGrade consider the following features:

-          location of the target should be easily reachable (not on the lake… in summer)

-          have different difficulty levels

-          decide when user completes the game

-          user has a tail that grows after visiting each target

-          if user intersect its tail ŕ game over

-          publish the result to facebook

-          fast-forward gif animation summary of the playing