University of Joensuu Department of Computer Science Report Series A (ISSN 0789-7316) ===================================================================== A-2003-6 M. Ben-Ari, J. Sajaniemi Roles of Variables From the Perspective of Computer Science Educators A-2003-5 M. Niemi Puutteiden lukumäärän estimointi toisen asteen polynomin avulla A-2003-4 P. Fränti, O. Virmajoki and V. Hautamäki Graph-based agglomerative clustering A-2003-3 P. Kopylov, P. Fränti Compression of map images by multi-level context tree modeling A-2003-2 A. Kolesnikov, P. Fränti Data reduction of large vector graphics A-2003-1 J. Immonen, J. Sajaniemi Software Globalisation in Finland: A State-of-the-practice Survey A-2002-6 Ismo Kärkkäinen and Pasi Fränti Dynamic local search algorithm for the clustering problem A-2002-5 Ismo Kärkkäinen and Pasi Fränti Stepwise clustering algorithm for unknown number of clusters A-2002-4 Jorma Sajaniemi PlanAni - A System for Visualizing Roles of Variables to Novice Programmers A-2002-3 Vesa Tenhunen and Jorma Sajaniemi sfia - Software for Inspection Automation A-2002-2 Pasi Fränti, Olli Virmajoki and Timo Kaukoranta Optimal clustering by branch-and-bound technique A-2002-1 Marja Kuittinen (editor) Proceedings of the First Annual Finnish / Baltic Conference on Computer Science Education A-2001-5 Matti Niemi Puutteiden lukumäärän estimointi Norden/Rayleigh-jakauman ja Gamma-jakauman avulla A-2001-4 Alexander Kolesnikov and Pasi Fränti Reduced-search dynamic programming for approximation of polygonal curves A-2001-3 Olli Virmajoki, Pasi Fränti and Timo Kaukoranta Iterative shrinking method for the clustering problem A-2001-2 Pasi Fränti, Eugene Ageenko and Sami Gröhn Storage of multi-component digital maps using JBIG2 image compression standard A-2001-1 Pasi Fränti, Eugene Ageenko, Pavel Kopylov, Sami Gröhn and Florian Berger Compression of map images for real-time applications A-2000-5 Martti Forsell, Ville Leppänen Memory module structures for shared memory simulation A-2000-4 Martti Forsell Architectural differences of efficient sequential and parallel computers A-2000-3 Eugene Ageenko, Martti Forsell, Pasi Fränti Context-based compression of binary images in parallel A-2000-2 Olli Virmajoki, Pasi Fränti and Timo Kaukoranta Practical methods for speeding-up the PNN method A-2000-1 Markku Tukiainen Empirical study of novice spreadsheet usage: Comparing two spreadsheet calculation paradigms A-1999-4 Tero Vartiainen Ethical Attitudes Among Finnish Computer Science Students And Computer Professionals A-1999-3 Eugene Ageenko and Pasi Fränti Lossless Compression Of Large Binary Images In Digital Spatial Libraries A-1999-2 Eugene Ageenko and Pasi Fränti Context-Based Filtering For Document Image Compression A-1999-1 Jorma Sajaniemi, Markku Tukianen and Jarmo Väisänen Goals and Plans in Spreadsheet Calculation A-1998-9 Anssi Kautonen Experiments in Routing h-Relations Using Constant Thinning And Geometric Thinning Algorithms A-1998-8 Tero Vartiainen Teaching Computer Ethics: Experiences of Integrating Ethics into Computer Science Courses A-1998-7 Juha Hakkarainen The effect of irrelevant inputs on the generalization performance of MLP neural networks A-1998-6 Pasi Fränti, Eugene I. Ageenko, Heikki Kälviäinen, Saku Kukkonen Lossless and near-lossless compression of line-drawing images using Hough transform A-1998-5 Jorma Sajaniemi Modeling Spreadsheet Audit: A Rigorous Approach to Automatic Visualization A-1998-4 Jorma Sajaniemi and Kari Ikonen VinEd - A System for Program Manipulation Through User-Definable Simultaneous Views A-1998-3 Marja-Liisa Parviainen Tietokoneavusteisen opetuksen käyttö matemaattisissa aineissa yläasteella A-1998-2 Eugene I. Ageenko, Pasi Fränti Forward-adaptive variant of the baseline JBIG for applications requiring spatial access A-1998-1 Paula Leinonen, Martti Penttonen Producing SGML-documents with Public Domain Tools A-1997-6 Jorma Sajaniemi, Marja Kopponen Three-Level Teaching Material and Its Implementation in Teaching Situation A-1997-5 J. Haajanen, M. Pesonius, E. Sutinen, J. Tarhio, T. Teräsvirta, P. Vanninen Animation of user algorithms in the web A-1997-4 Simo Juvaste Programming with a Parametrized Parallel Programming Model A-1997-3 Kari Väkeväinen Tietotekniikan opetuskäyttö Pohjois-Karjalan kouluissa A-1997-2 Eugene I. Ageenko, Pasi Fränti Enhanced JBIG-based compression for satisfying objectives of engineering document management system A-1997-1 Martti Penttonen Experimental simulations of PRAM on complete networks A-1996-8 Pasi Fränti Blockwise Distortion Measure for Statistical and Structural Errors in Digital Images A-1996-7 Martti Forsell MTAC - A Multithreaded VLIW Architecture for PRAM Simulation A-1996-6 Pasi Fränti, Juha Kivijärvi and Olli Nevalainen Tabu Search Algorithm for Codebook Generation in Vector Quantization A-1996-5 Pasi Fränti, Juha Kivijärvi, Timo Kaukoranta and Olli Nevalainen Genetic Algorithms for Codebook Generation in Vector Quantization A-1996-4 Markku Tukiainen, Jorma Sajaniemi Spreadsheet Goal and Plan Catalog: Additive and Multiplicative Computational Goals and Plans in Spreadsheet Calculation A-1996-3 J. Hakkarainen, A. Jumppanen, J. Kyngäs and J. Kyyrö An evolutionary approach to neural network design applied to sunspot prediction A-1996-2 Petteri Laamanen A Method for Modelling Deliverables Produced by CASE-tools A-1996-1 Jorma Sajaniemi, Timo Niiranen GEE User's Manual A-1995-7 Jorma Sajaniemi, Ismo Tossavainen Usability Research in a Housing Fair: Problems and Possibilities A-1995-6 Anssi Kautonen Experiments On Simulating PRAM On Complete Network And On Mesh Of Buses A-1995-5 Juha Hakkarainen, Jari Kyngäs, Petteri Laamanen, Raimo Rask Ohjelmistoprojektien työmäärän arviointiprosessin mallintaminen A-1995-4 Eila Kuikka, Jouni Mykkänen, Arto Ryynänen, Airi Salminen Implementation of Two-dimensional Filters for Structured Documents in SYNDOC Environment A-1995-3 Martti Forsell The Minimal Pipeline Architecture A-1995-2 Martti Forsell, Ville Leppänen, Martti Penttonen Efficient Two-Level Mesh based Simulation of PRAMs A-1995-1 Jari Kyngäs Forecasting Sunspot Numbers with Neural Networks A-1994-1 Martti Penttonen (ed.) Proceedings of the Seventh Finnish Symposium on Computer Science A-1993-3 Jarmo Ahonen Deep Knowledge and Domain Models A-1993-2 Jarmo Ahonen On Qualitative Modeling A-1993-1 Martti Forsell Are Multiport Memories Physically Feasible? A-1992-1 Simo Juvaste An Implementation of the Programming language pm2 for PRAM A-1991-2 Petteri Laamanen, Raimo Rask A Prototype System for Automating Measurement and Verification of A-1991-1 Raimo Rask Algorithms for Counting Unadjusted Function Points from Dataflow Diagrams