Last Modification ................................................ 06.11.2000 MemSim - A MEMORY MODULE SIMULATOR FOR SDMMS Shared memory programming model on top of a physically distributed memory machine (SDMM) is a promising candidate for easy-to-program general purpose parallel computation. MemSim is a program that can be used to measure the average and the maximum memory reference delay, the maximum length of access queues, and cache hit rate of the low-level memory module structures of SDMM evaluated in Report A-2000-5. MemSim runs in Macintosh environment and requires MacOS 8.5 or newer and 19 MB free memory. MemSim.sea.hqx is BinHex version of self-extracting Stuffit Lite document that contains MemSim folder. Installation: 1. Move MemSim.sea.hqx file to a Macintosh 2. Translate BinHex document to Stuffit Lite document by BinHex selecting Download->Application item in File Menu 3. Extract Stuffit Lite document by double-clicking it For further information, see Report B-2000-1 in Department's report series.