Last Modification ................................................. 06.11.2000 MTACSim - A MULTITHREADED VLIW PROCESSOR SIMULATOR The MultiThreaded Architecture with Chaining (MTAC) is a multithreaded VLIW architecture being developed at University of Joensuu. MTACSim is a simulator program for MTAC processors. MTACSim provides tools for executing and debugging MTAC programs as well as tools for collecting statistical information on program execution. MTACSim runs in Macintosh environment and requires MacOS 7.5 or newer and 8 MB free memory. MTACSim.sea.hqx is BinHex version of self-extracting Stuffit Lite document that contains MTACSim folder. Installation: 1. Move MTACSim.sea.hqx file to a Macintosh 2. Translate BinHex document to Stuffit Lite document by BinHex selecting Download->Application item in File Menu 3. Extract Stuffit Lite document by double-clicking it For further information, see Report B-1997-??? in Departments report series. 06.11.2000: MTACSim 1.2 PPC is available as a self-extracting Stuffit Lite document MTACSim.PPC.sea.