LaTeX template for BSc and MSc theses at the School of Computing
The LaTeX template for BSc and MSc theses at the School of Computing can be obtained from There are two packages, uefcsthesis.[zip|tar.gz] and The former contains just the main template file, some auxiliary files, and minimal working examples, and can be copied, e.g. to Overleaf for a quick start. The -doc package contains documentation and the source code thereof. It is recommended to download it, too, and to read the sample thesis and the following documentation.
Bachelor's level courses
All bachelor's level courses are given in Finnish.
- Lyhyt johdatus algoritmiseen data-analyysiin
- Sivuaineopiskelijoille tarkoitettu kurssi, joka käsittelee algoritmisen data-analyysiin perusteet. Järjestetään yhtä aikaa Johdatus algoritmiseen data-analyysiin -kurssin kanssa.
- Johdatus algoritmiseen data-analyysiin
- Algoritmisen data-analyysiin peruskurssi, joka käsittelee aiheen perusteet: verkkojen analyysiä, kattavien joukkojen ja assosiaatiosääntöjen louhintaa, ryhmittelyä, luokittelua sekä reiluutta ja syrjimättömyyttä. Järjestetään yhtä aikaa Lyhyt johdatus algoritmiseen data-analyysiin -kurssin kanssa.
Master's level courses
All master's level courses are given in English.
- Algorithmic Data Analysis
- Core master's course in the field. Covers advanced classification methods, data streams, temporal and spatial data and outlier detection. Course contains practical tasks using Python.
- Local Patterns in Data
- Advanced course covering methods for finding local patterns in data, including contrasting pattern mining, subgroup discovery, exceptional model mining and redescription mining.
- Graph Mining
- Advanced course covering methods for mining and analysing graphs, including frequent subgraph mining, clustering graphs and vertices, classifying graphs and vertices, dense subgraphs and community mining.
- Matrix Decompositions in Data Analysis
- Advanced course covering the use of matrix decomposition methods, such as PCA, SVD, ICA and NMF, in data analysis.
Data Science Study Program
UEF School of Computing teaches data science as a part of standard curriculum. Students can specialize to data science during their master's studies. Further information on department's page (in Finnish only).