Firework stick

Click on the canvas to move the firework stick.

Reset particles on movement (default on)
Enable miniscule gravity pull on particles (default off)
Enable 'burning' stick (make it shorter every tick) (default on)
Change between two styles (default off)
Minimize upward movement of sparks (default on)
Set spark radius (this number divided by canvas width will be the final value = smaller value bigger radius) (default 55):
Simulation rate multiplier:
Particle amount multiplier:

Explanation: Click on canvas to move the firework stick to the clicked location. Cycle between 1-10x particle amount multiplier and simulation rate multiplier with the buttons. You can change between two different firework styles with the checkbox above. The simulation will auto-restart when the stick reaches 0 length.

You can change canvas size by adding parameters "width" and "height" to the URL! for example ?width=3840&height=2160 would create a 3840x2160 canvas!