Sami Sieranoja, PhD.
Postdoctoral researcher

University of Eastern Finland
School of Computing
Sami Sieranoja
Office TB357, Science Park
Joensuu, Finland
Phone: +358-(0)405929966
Group: Machine Learning


  1. P. Fränti, S. Sieranoja, K. Wikström and T. Laatikainen, "Clustering diagnoses from 58M patient visits in Finland between 2015 and 2018", JMIR Medical Informatics, 10 (5), e35422, 2022. (pdf) (data)

  2. S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "Adapting k-means for graph clustering", Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), 4:1-28, December 2021. (pdf)

  3. S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "Fast and general density peaks clustering", Pattern Recognition Letters, 128, 551-558, December 2019. (pdf) IF=2.81, JF=2


  4. P. Fränti and S. Sieranoja, "How much k-means can be improved by using better initialization and repeats?", Pattern Recognition, 93, 95-112, 2019. (pdfIF=3.39JF=3


  5. P. Fränti and S. Sieranoja, "K-means properties on six clustering benchmark datasets.", Applied Intelligence (2017), 1-17, 2018. JF=1


  6. S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "Fast random pair divisive construction of kNN graph using generic distance measures", Int. Conf. on Big Data and Computing (ICBDC), Shenzhen, China, April 2018. JF=1


  7. P. Fränti and S. Sieranoja, "Dimensionally distributed density estimation", Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC), Zakopane, Poland, 343-353, June 2018. JF=1


  8. S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "Random projection for k-means clustering", Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC), Zakopane, Poland, 680-689, June 2018. JF=1


  9. S. Sieranoja, T. Kinnunen and P. Fränti, "GPS trajectory biometrics: from where you were to how you move", Joint Int. Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR 2016), Merida, Mexico, LNCS 10029, 450-460, November 2016. (pdf) (presentationJF=1


  10. S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "High dimensional kNN-graph construction using space filling curves", Master's thesis, University of Eastern Finland, School of Computing, 2015. (PDF)



GPS biometrics data sets


Clustering methods (exercises), University of Eastern Finland, Spring 2017.
Project work course, University of Eastern Finland, 2017-2018.
Design and analysis of algorithms (exercises), University of Eastern Finland, 2018.

Updated 18.9.2018