After nearly two months of refurbishment, we are back to feed you with London’s best pizza!!



Hi everybody

As you might have noticed, we are closed for refurbishment. Brand new kitchen, toilets, better soil for the oven and a light restyling are going on. We know that many whitdrawn symptoms are going on in London, we are the first to crave our pizza badly, but bear with us, we will be back soon.

We are aiming to open the first week of february, and when we’ll open we are going to celebrate our 5th birthday with a beautiful surprise.

Just stay connected on:


instagram : Santamariapizza

twitter @santamariapizza

See you soon!!

The number one pizza to try before you die

Recently Evening Standardwrote again about us. But this time not because we send home some girls who ordered a salad, but because we have been voted the number one pizza to try before you die!

Always pleased when our efforts to make the best and the most authentic pizza are rewarded.

So…mangia Santa Maria e poi muori!

Stay Posh And Eat Pizza

Oliver Thring writes a piece on the Financial Times sunday magazine about the best 5 pizzas in London. Of course only the finest pizzas are involved, the poshest! And we are proud to be one of them.

Oliver Thring writes a piece on the Financial Times sunday magazine about the best 5 pizzas in London. Of course only the finest pizzas are involved, the poshest! And we are proud to be one of them.

This is how we do it!

A short promo to explain who we are, what we do and why we do it.

Thanks to Adam Tranter @ fusion-media.co.uk and his crew, to make this beautiful video.

Christmas period opening Times

To all our customers,

Our opening times over the Christmas period are:

Closed from the 22nd of December until the 4th of January

We wish to everyone a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous and smashing 2012.

The staff at Santa Maria.

It’s All About The Pizza

Recently our pizzeria made it into one of the most popular free newspapers of London, “The Evening Standard”.

The reason? A bit controversial reason, ctualy, if we believe what was written on the paper.

No, we are not that bad, we have our policy of requiring our customers to have a pizza each, but we are quite flexible, especially on the quiet hours of the day. But if on a busy saturday night, four people want to have two pizza and one salad (which is a side dish), while there is more than forty people  on the waiting list, you’d better give the chance to enjoy London’s best pizza to someone else. It’s a small place, sixteen seats, and there is people that comes all over the city to enjoy and appreciate our efforts, to make the best product we do. It’s not about the money, it’s about the pizza, that is why we are for, and we are very proud of what we do. We do our best to source the best ingredients, build the best oven, hire the best chefs in order to provide for the best pizza you can ever have in London, that is what we are famous for.

Of course the news was all over the places, everybody was talking about us and people that have never been here, didn’t have a good opinion about us. Fortunately our customers, and people who has been here and love what we do, took our side and gave us loads of support.

The main outcome? Well, the day after we were in the BBC World Service studios to talk about this!!

Honourable Mention from the BBC food magazine

“Olive” the BBC magazine dedicated to food, revealed the list of the Best Alternative Restaurant  2011, and Santa Maria made in the “Honourable Mentions”.

We always known that Santa Maria is an alternative place, but now we’ve got it confirmed from the BBC!

Still Strong!

During the infamous days filled with thefts and lootings (We don’t feel to call them riots!) Our shop has been attacked by a bunch of guys. Fortunately the consequences and the damages weren’t as big as the ones of the other shops in our area, but the shock and the feelings of fear during those hours, won’t be forgotten.

A prayer goes to Richard Bowes, who lost his life to defend his street from the attacks.

A wish of going back to normality soon goes to all our colleagues, shop owners that have been attacked and their business and life affected

And a special thanks goes to all our customers, friends and Ealing residents, that showed their love and support during those terrible days. Your support has been bigger than other gesture and made us even prouder to belong to this beautiful community. Grazie

This is a CCTV footage of the attack of our shop. We hope that we won’t witness those scenes anymore.

The expansion has started…

For the past 16 months, the comment we have heard the most was “You need a bigger place” or “You need to expand”. But we love St.Mary’s Road and our great location and we are not very keen on moving anywhere else. So the best thing we could have done was to give our customers a bit more space: 10 more seats that make a huge difference to everyone. Now queues are incredibly short and waiting time has significantly reduced.  Santa Maria can now accommodate all of its customers!

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