Nancy Fazal University of Eastern Finland

Nancy Fazal, PhD. LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Github Medium


Research interests: Location-based games, Content Creation, Geographic Information Systems, Natural Language Processing


Group Link: Machine Learning

Thesis: Content Creation in Treasure-hunt Location-based Games


1. Ghulam Rasool, Nancy Fazal, “Evolution Prediction and Process Support of OSS Studies: A Systematic Mapping”, Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, pp. 2191-4281, Springer 2017. (PDF)

2. Fazal, N., Nguyen, K. Q., & Fränti, P., “Efficiency of Web Crawling for Geotagged Image Retrieval”, Webology, 16(1), 2019. (PDF)

3. N. Fazal, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, “Using open street map for content creation in location-based games”, 29th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 109-117, Tampere, Finland, May 2021. (PDF)

4. P. Fränti, Nancy Fazal, “Design Principles for Content Creation in Location-based Games”, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 2023. (PDF)  (ACM Kudos)

5. Fazal, N., Fränti, P., "Relevant Tag Extraction Based on Image Visual Content", In: Huang, DS., Premaratne, P., Yuan, C. (eds) Applied Intelligence. ICAI, 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2015. Springer, Singapore. (PDF)

6. Fazal, N., Fränti, P., "Mopsify: Gamified Spatial Crowdsourcing for Content Creation in Location-based Games", Int. Conf. on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 18-22, IARIA Press, May 2024. (PDF)

7. Fazal, N., Fränti, P., "Social media Data for Content Creation in Location-based Games", Journal of Location Based Services, 1- 28, 2024. (PDF)

Last updated: 18.09.2024