We invite original contributions within the following topics:
SPR Topics | SSPR Topics | |
Domain adaptation | Structural Matching | |
Dissimilarity Representations | Structural Complexity | |
Ensemble Methods | Syntactic Pattern Recognition | |
Multiple Classifiers | Image Understanding | |
Gaussian Processes | Shape Analysis | |
Dimensionality Reduction | Graph-theoretic Methods | |
Clustering Algorithms | Graphical Models | |
Model Selection | Structural Kernels | |
Semi-Supervised Learning | Spectral Methods | |
Multiple Instance Learning | Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition | |
Active Learning | Stochastic Structural Models | |
Contextual Pattern Recognition | Intelligent Sensing Systems | |
Location-based Pattern Recognition | Multimedia Analysis | |
Partially Supervised Learning | Structured Text Analysis | |
Novelty Detection | Image Document Analysis | |
Comparative Studies |
In addition to the original contributions, we also invite authors to submit their recent papers (within 1 year) published in a related journal (e.g. PAMI, PR, PRL, JMLR). These papers will undergo a lighter review process, and if accepted, they will be included in the workshop program and short abstract in the proceedings.
All manuscripts (max. 10 pages) must be following
Springer's LNCS style (Latex or Word).
All papers are submitted via