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Applied Statistics in Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Homepage of Lauri Mehtätalo





Curriculum vitae




Lauri Mehtätalo and Juha Lappi: Biometry for Forestry and Environmental Data: with Examples in R

The book has been published by Chapman & Hall/CRC in 2020. See the publisher's website

Related teaching videos about linear models and linear mixed-effects models are available in Youtube via these links in English and in Finnish.

This website is maintained by the book authors and includes additional material related to the book.

Table of Contents.

1. Introduction 1
2. Random Variables 5 R-scripts
3. Statistical Modelling, Estimation and Prediction 43 R-scripts
4. Linear Model 67 R-scripts
5. Linear mixed-effects models 131 R-scripts
6. More about linear mixed-effect models 183 R-scripts
7. Nonlinear (mixed-effects) models 209 R-scripts
8. Generalized linear (mixed-effects) Models 245 R-scripts
9. Multivariate (mixed-effects) models 287 R-scripts
10. Additional topics on regression 309 R-scripts
11. Modelling tree size 333 R-scripts
12. Taper curves 377
13. Measurement errors 381
14. Forest and Environmental Experiments 391
15. Bibliography 395
16. Index 405

The full versions of the web examples of the book are available here.

All datasets of the book are available in different R-packages. If the package is not explicitly stated in the example, the dataset is available in R-package lmfor (version 1.5 or newer) on CRAN.

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it."
  --  Henry Ford

"An academic scholar should be able to change his mind even once a day if there are good justifications for the change."
  --  Pekka Kilkki


Last Updated: April 20, 2020