Recent presentations in meetings
and seminars
- Finding hidden trees in remote sensing of forests by using stochastic geometry, sequential spatial point processes and the HT-estimator
- Mixed-effects models to generalize sample tree height information: Implications to National Forest inventories
- Estimation of forest characteristics using airborne
laser scanning: could stochastic geometry help?. SSIAB12, Aalborg.
- Modeling height-diameter curves for prediction.
Poster presentation in IUFRO 125 anniversary meeting, Freiburg.
- Modeling nonlinear natural processes. IUFRO 125
anniversary meeting, Freiburg. Slides
- Mixed-effects models for prediction of tree attributes.
III Brasilian mensurationsit meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 18.8.2016.
- Modelling Height-Diameter curves for prediction.
Taksaattoriklubi 2.3.2016. Slides
- Estimation of stand density using aerial images:
a forestry application of the Boolean model. Nordstat 2014, Turku,
Finland. Slides.
- Mixed-effects models in forestry, Invited speech
at Statistical days, Jyväskylä, May 2013. Slides
- Multivariate mixed-effects models for the reflectance
of forest trees. Seminar in Mekrijärvi, March 2013.
- More about mixed-effect models in forestry, guest
lecture in Jyväskylä in August, 2012. Slides
- Using Mixed-effects model in forestry. Nordstat
conference in Umeå, June 2012. Slides
- A model-based approach for estimating the height
distribution of eucalyptus plantations using low-density ALS data,
Project meeting in Nilsiä in 2011. Slides
- A model-based approach for estimating the height
distribution of eucalyptus plantations using low-density ALS data.
SilviLaser 2010. Slides
- Estimating forest attributes using observations
of canopy height: a model-based approach. Seminar at Dept of statistics,
univ of Joensuu 2009. Slides
- Modelling the size of forest trees using statistical
distributions. Guest lecture in Umeå 19.2.2009. Slides
- Modelling the probability of incorrect harvest
decisions due to errors in stand characteristics. Prague, 2009.
- Spatiaalinen metsää kuvaava malli ja
sen sovellus metsäninventointiin (Opetusnäyte, Helsinki
25.4.2008). Luentomoniste
- Recovering plot-specific diameter distribution
and H-D curve using ALS data (SilviLaser, Espoo 2007). Slides
- Mathematical relationships with tree size distributions
(Meeting in Norway, March 2007). Slides
- Predicting stand structure using sample measurements
(Yale School of F&ES 9.5.2006, a short overview of my dissertation).
- Predicting stand effects of a percentile-based
diameter distribution model using quantile trees (Univ. of Minnesota,
12.6.2006). Slides
- Modeling height-diameter curves from longitudinal
data and using the model for prediction (Yale School of F&ES
9.5. 2006). Slides
- Eliminating the effect of overlapping crowns
from aerial inventory estimates (A poster at Silvi Laser, Virginia
tech, Blacksburg VA 2005). Poster
- A model-based approach to recovering forest parameterrs
using obsertvations of canopy height. (NEMO, Grey Towers, Milford,
PA 10.10.2006). Slides
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is the probable reason why so few engage in it."
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-- Pekka Kilkki