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Suomi / English / Saavutettavuusseloste


1. Exercise

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Perform tasks A) - D) with SPSS and with the above data and answer the following questions:

Note! Three decimals must be given. Dot is the used punctuation mark

A.) Saving the data

Save the data e.g to your own network folder.

B.) Run the amount of observations, means, standard deviations and min and max values for all the variables

What is waist-variable's standard deviation? :

C.) Create a new variable relweig = weight/height, and draw it's histogram

What is relweig-variable's a) mean, b) standard deviation?

a) :

b) :

How many observations are missing?:

D.) Select only the persons, who are working outside

What is relweig-variable's a) mean , b) standard deviation?

a) :

b) :

How many observations are missing? :

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