Pasi Fränti
Journal papers:
N. Fazal and P. Fränti, "Social media data for content creation in location-based games",
Journal of Location Based Services, 1-28. (paper)
J.W. Yang, S. Rahardja and P. Fränti, "Smoothing outlier scores is all you need to improve outlier detectors",
IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 36 (11), 7044-7057, 2024.
C. Zhou, B. Huang and P. Fränti, "Representation learning and
reinforcement learning for dynamic complex motion planning system",
IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 35 (8),
11049-11063, 2024.
P. Fränti and S. Sieranoja, "Clustering accuracy", Applied Computing and Intelligence, 4 (1), 24-44, 2024.
R. de Maeyer, S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "Balanced k-means revisited",
Applied Computing and Intelligence, 3 (2), 145-179, 2023.
- L. Nigro and P. Fränti, "Two medoid-based algorithms for clustering sets",
Algorithms, 16 (7), 349, 2023.
- P. Fränti and N. Fazal, "Design principles for content creation in location-based games",
ACM Trans. on Multimedia, Computing, Communications, and Applications,
19 (5), 165, 1-30, 2023.
(ACM kudos)
- M.I. Malinen and P. Fränti, "All-pairwise squared distances lead to more balanced clustering",
Applied Computing and Intelligence, 3 (1), 93-115, 2023.
- P. Fränti, R. Mariescu-Istodor, A. Akram, M. Satokangas and E. Reissell,
"Can we optimize locations of hospitals by minimizing the number of
patients at risk?", BMC Health Services Research, 23, 415, 1-12, 2023.
- G.I. Choudhary and P. Fränti, "Predicting onset of disease progression
using temporal disease occurrence network", Int. Journal
of Medical Informatics, 175, 105068, July 2023.
- P. Fränti and R. Mariescu-Istodor, "Soft precision and recall",
Pattern Recognition Letters, 167, 115-121, 2023.
- M. Rezaei and P. Fränti, "K-sets and k-swaps algorithms for clustering sets",
Pattern Recognition, 139, 109454, July 2023.
- L. Nigro, F. Cicirelli and P. Fränti,"Parallel random swap: an efficient
and reliable clustering algorithm in Java", Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory,
124, 102712, 1-17, April 2023.
- A. Wiafe and P. Fränti, "Affective algorithmic composition of music: a systematic review",
Applied Computing and Intelligence, 3 (1), 27-43, January 2023.
P. Fränti and L. Kong, "Puzzle-Mopsi: a location-puzzle game",
Applied Computing and Intelligence, 3 (1), 1-12, January 2023.
J.W. Yang, G.I. Choudhary, S. Rahardja and P. Fränti, "Classification of interbeat interval
time-series using attention entropy", IEEE Trans. on Affective Computing,
14 (1), 321-330, Jan-March 2023.
- M. Wang, S. Rahardja, P. Fränti and S. Rahardja,
"Single-lead ECG recordings modeling for end-to-end recognition
of atrial fibrillation with dual-path RNN",
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 79, 104067, 1-9, 2023.
- S. Rahardja, M. Wang, B.P. Ngyuen, P. Fränti and S. Rahardja,
"A lightweight classification of adaptor proteins using transformer networks",
BMC Bioinformatics, 23:461, 1-14, 2022.
- H. Shah and P. Fränti, "Combining statistical, structural, and linguistic
features for keyword extraction from web pages", Applied Computing and Intelligence,
2 (2), 115-132, September 2022.
- C. Zhou, B. Huang, A. Haseeb and P. Fränti,
"Attention-based advantage actor-critic algorithm with prioritized
experience replay for complex 2-D robotic motion planning",
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (JIMS), 1-30, August 2022.
- C. Zhou, B. Huang and P. Fränti, "A review of motion planning algorithms for intelligent robotics",
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (JIMS), 33, 387-424, February 2022.
- S. Wang and P. Fränti,"Power distance in cross-cultural environment:
Observations from two Chinese companies in Europe",
STEM Education, 2 (3), 173-196, August 2022.
- S. Wang and P. Fränti, "How power distance affect motivation in
cross-cultural environment: Findings from Chinese companies in Europe",
STEM Education, 2 (2), 96-120, May 2022.
- P. Fränti, S. Sieranoja, K. Wikström and T. Laatikainen,
"Clustering diagnoses from 58M patient visits in Finland between 2015 and 2018",
JMIR Medical Informatics, 10 (5), e35422, 2022.
- P. Fränti and O. Virmajoki, "Optimal clustering by branch-and-bound technique",
Applied Computing and Intelligence, 2 (1), 63-82, March 2022.
- B. Jimoh, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti,
"Is medoid suitable for averaging GPS trajectories?",
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11 (2), 1-20, 2022.
- S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "Adapting k-means for graph clustering",
Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), 4:1-28, January 2022.
- N. Shah, D. Patel and P. Fränti, "K-means image segmentation using Mumford-Shah model",
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 30 (6), 063029, December 2021.
- R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti,
"Solving the large-scale TSP problem in 1 hour: Santa Claus Challenge 2020",
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8, 1-20, October 2021.
- L. Sengupta and P. Fränti,
"Comparison of eleven measures for estimating difficulty of open-loop TSP instances",
Applied Computing and Intelligence, 1 (1), 1-32, November 2021.
N. Shah, D. Patel and P. Fränti,
"Fast Mumford-Shah two phase image segmentation using proximal splitting scheme",
Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2021, 6618505, 13 pages, 2021.
R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Fast travel distance estimation using overhead graph",
Journal of Location-Based Services, 15 (4), 261-279, 2021.
J.W. Yang, S. Rahardja and P. Fränti, "Mean-shift outlier detection and filtering", Pattern Recognition,
115, 107874, July 2021.
P. Fränti and R. Mariescu-Istodor, "Averaging GPS segment competition 2019",
Pattern Recognition, 112, 107730, April 2021.
P. Fränti, T. Nenonen and M. Yuan, "Converting MST to TSP path by branch elimination", Applied Sciences,
11 (177), 1-17, 2021.
R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Context-aware similarity of GPS trajectories",
Journal of Location-Based Services, 14 (4), 231-251, 2020.
(best paper)
G.I. Choudhary, W. Aziz and P. Fränti, "Detection of time irreversibility in interbeat
interval time series by visible and nonvisible motifs from horizontal visibility graph",
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 62, 10205, 2020.
M. Rezaei and P. Fränti, "Can the number of clusters be determined by external indices?"
IEEE Access, 8 (1), 89239-89257, December 2020.
J.W. Yang, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Three rapid methods for averaging GPS segments",
Applied Sciences, 9 (22), 4899, 2019.
S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "Fast and general density peaks clustering",
Pattern Recognition Letters, 128, 551-558, 2019.
N. Fazal, K.Q. Nqyuen and P. Fränti, "Efficiency of web crawling for geo-tagged image retrieval",
Webology, 16 (1), 16-39, 2019.
L. Sengupta, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Which local search operator works best for open loop Euclidean TSP",
Applied Sciences, 9 (19), 3985, 2019.
R. Mariescu-Istodor, A.S.M. Sayem and P. Fränti, "Activity event recommendation and attendance prediction",
Journal of Location Based Services, 13 (4), 2019.
P. Fränti and S. Sieranoja, "How much k-means can be improved by using better initialization and repeats?",
Pattern Recognition, 93, 95-112, 2019.
(youtube 24.9.2020)
(youtube 11.4.2020)
- N. Gali , R. Mariescu-Istodor, D. Hostettler, P. Fränti,
"Framework for syntactic string similarity measures"
Expert Systems with Applications, 129 (1), 169-185, September 2019.
- G.I. Choudhary, W. Aziz, I.R. Khan, S. Rahardja and P. Fränti,
"Analyzing the dynamics of inter beat interval time series using grouped horizontal visibility graph",
IEEE Access, 7 (1), 9926-9934, December 2019.
- L. Sengupta, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Planning your route: where to start?",
Computational Brain & Behavior, 1 (3-4), 252-265, December 2018.
- M. Rezaei and P. Fränti "Real-time clustering of large geo-referenced data
for visualizing on map", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering,
18 (4), 63-74, 2018.
- P. Fränti and S. Sieranoja, "K-means properties on six clustering
benchmark datasets", Applied Intelligence, 48 (12), 4743-4759,
December 2018.
- S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "Constructing a high-dimensional kNN-graph using
a Z-order curve", ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 23 (1), 1.9:1-21,
October 2018.
- R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "CellNet: Inferring road networks
from GPS trajectories", ACM Trans. on Spatial Algorithms and Systems,
4 (3), 8:1-22, September 2018.
P. Fränti, "Efficiency of random swap clustering",
Journal of Big Data, 5:13, 1-29, 2018.
A. Tabarcea, N. Gali and P. Fränti, "Framework for location-aware
search engine", Journal of Location Based Services, 11 (1),
50-74, November 2017.
R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Grid-based method for GPS
route analysis for retrieval", ACM Trans. on Spatial Algorithms and
Systems, 3 (3), 8:1-28, September, 2017.
P. Fränti, R. Mariescu-Istodor and L. Sengupta, "O-Mopsi: mobile
orienteering game for sightseeing, exercising and education",
ACM Trans. on Multimedia, Computing, Communications, and Applications,
13 (4), 56:1-25, August 2017.
N. Gali, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Using linguistic features to
automatically extract web page title", Expert Systems with
Applications, 79, 296-312, 2017.
- M. Rezaei and P. Fränti, "Set matching measures for external
cluster validity", IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
28 (8), 2173-2186, August 2016.
- C. Zhong, M.I. Malinen, D. Miao and P. Fränti, "A fast minimum
spanning tree algorithm based on K-means", Information
Sciences, 295, 1-17, February 2015.
- Q. Zhao, Y. Shi, Q. Liu and P. Fränti, "A grid-growing clustering
algorithm for geo-spatial data", Pattern Recognition Letters,
53 (1),77-84, February 2015.
- M.I. Malinen, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "K-means*:
clustering by gradual data transformation", Pattern Recognition,
47 (10), 3376-3386, October 2014.
- P. Fränti, M. Rezaei and Q. Zhao, "Centroid index: cluster level
similarity measure", Pattern Recognition, 47 (9), 3034-3045,
September, 2014.
- Q. Zhao and P. Fränti, "WB-index: a sum-of-squares based index
for cluster validity", Data & Knowledge Engineering,
92, 77-89, July 2014.
- Q. Zhao and P. Fränti, "Centroid ratio for pairwise random
swap clustering algorithm", IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, 26 (5), 1090-1101, May 2014.
- Q. Zhao, V. Hautamäki, I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Random
swap EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture models", Pattern Recognition
Letters, 33, 2120-2126, 2012.
- M.I. Malinen and P. Fränti, "Clustering by analytic functions",
Information Sciences, 217, 31-38, December 2012.
- P. Mowlaee, R. Saeidi, M.G. Christensen, Z.-H. Tan, T. Kinnunen,
P. Fränti, S.H. Jensen, "A joint approach for single-channel speaker
identification and speech separation", IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech
and Language Processing, 20 (9), 2586-2601, November 2012.
- M. Chen, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "A fast O(N) multi-resolution
polygonal approximation algorithm for GPS trajectory simplification",
IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 21 (5), 2770-2785, May 2012.
- M. Chen, M. Xu, P. Fränti, "Adaptive context-tree-based statistical
filtering for raster map image denoising", IEEE Trans. on
Multimedia, 13 (6), 1195-1207, December 2011.
- T. Kinnunen, I. Sidoroff, M. Tuononen and P. Fränti,
"Comparison of clustering methods: a case study of text-independent
speaker modeling", Pattern Recognition Letters, 32 (13),
1604-1617. October 2011.
- C. Zhong, D. Miao and P. Fränti, "Minimum spanning tree based
split-and-merge: a hierarchical clustering method",
Information Sciences, 181, 3397-3410, 2011.
- Z.J. Zhu, Z.G. Li, S. Rahardja, P. Fränti, "Recover real world
scene: high quality image inpainting using multi-exposed references",
Electronics Letters, 45 (25), 1310-1312, December 2009.
- T. Kinnunen, J. Saastamoinen, V. Hautamäki, M. Vinni and P. Fränti,
"Comparative evaluation of maximum a posteriori vector quantization and
Gaussian mixture models in speaker verification", Pattern
Recognition Letters, 30 (4), 341-347, March 2009.
- V. Hautamäki, T. Kinnunen and P. Fränti, "Text-independent
speaker recognition using graph matching", Pattern Recognition
Letters, 29 (9), 1427-1432, 2008.
- H. Huang, P. Fränti, D. Huang, S. Rahardja, "Cascaded RLS-LMS
prediction in MPEG-4 lossless audio coding", IEEE Trans. on Audio,
Speech and Language Processing, 16 (3), 554-562, March 2008.
- V. Hautamäki, T. Kinnunen, I. Kärkkäinen, J. Saastamoinen,
M. Tuononen and P. Fränti, "Maximum a posteriori adaptation of
the centroid model for speaker verification", IEEE Signal
Processing Letters, 15, 162-165, 2008.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Polygonal approximation of closed
discrete curves", Pattern Recognition, 40 (4), 1282-1293,
April 2007. (pdf)
- A. Akimov, A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Lossless compression of
map contours by context tree modeling of chain codes", Pattern
Recognition, 40 (3), 944-952, March 2007.
- I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Gradual model generator for
single-pass clustering", Pattern Recognition, 40 (3),
784-795, March 2007.
- A. Akimov, A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Lossless compression of
color map images by context tree modeling", IEEE Trans. on Image
Processing, 16 (1), 114-120, January 2007.
- P. Fränti, O. Virmajoki and V. Hautamäki, "Fast agglomerative
clustering using a k-nearest neighbor graph", IEEE Trans. on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28 (11), 1875-1881,
November 2006.
- A. Podlasov, P. Fränti, "Lossless image compression via bit-plane
separation and multi-layer context tree modeling", Journal of
Electronic Imaging, 14 (5), 043009, October-December 2006.
- P. Fränti and O. Virmajoki, "Iterative shrinking method for clustering
problems", Pattern Recognition, 39 (5), 761-765, May 2006.
- A. Podlasov, E. Ageenko and P. Fränti, "Morphological reconstruction
of semantic layers in map images", Journal of Electronic Imaging,
15 (1), 013016, January-March 2006.
- M. Xu, X. Wu and P. Fränti, "Context quantization by kernel fisher
discriminant", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 15 (1),
169-177, January, 2006.
- T. Kinnunen, E. Karpov and P. Fränti, "Real-time speaker
identification and verification", IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech
and Language Processing, 14 (1), 277-288, January 2006.
- J. Saastamoinen, E. Karpov, V. Hautamäki and P. Fränti, "Accuracy
of MFCC based speaker recognition in series 60 device", Journal of
Applied Signal Processing, (17), 2816-2827, September 2005.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Data reduction of large vector
graphics", Pattern Recognition, 38 (3), 381-394, March, 2005.
- P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "Compression of map images by
multi-layer context tree modeling", IEEE Trans. on Image
Processing, 14 (1), 1-11, January 2005.
- P. Fränti, E. Ageenko, P. Kopylov, S. Gröhn and F. Berger,
"Compression of map images for real-time applications", Image and
Vision Computing, 22 (13), 1105-1115, November 2004.
- O. Virmajoki and P. Fränti, "Fast pairwise nearest neighbor
based algorithm for multilevel thresholding", Journal of Electronic
Imaging, 12 (4), 648-659, October 2003.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Reduced-search dynamic programming for
approximation of polygonal curves", Pattern Recognition Letters,
24 (14), 2243-2254, October 2003.
- J. Kivijärvi, P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen, "Self-adaptive genetic
algorithm for clustering", Journal of Heuristics, 9 (2), 113-129,
March 2003.
- P. Fränti, M. Xu and I. Kärkkäinen, "Classification of binary
vectors by using DeltaSC-distance to minimize stochastic complexity",
Pattern Recognition Letters, 24 (1-3), 65-73, January 2003.
- E.I. Ageenko, M. Forsell and P. Fränti, "Context-based compression
of binary images in parallel", Software Practice and Experience,
32 (13), 1223-1237, November 2002.
- P. Fränti, E.I. Ageenko, S. Kukkonen and H. Kälviäinen,
"Using Hough transform for context-based image compression in hybrid
raster/vector applications", Journal of Electronic Imaging,
11 (2), 236-245, April 2002.
- O. Virmajoki, P. Fränti and T. Kaukoranta, "Practical
methods for speeding-up the PNN method", Optical Engineering,
40 (11), 2495-2504, November 2001.
- P. Fränti and J. Kivijärvi, "Randomized local search algorithm for the
clustering problem", Pattern Analysis and Applications, 3 (4),
358-369, 2000.
- P. Fränti, A. Mednonogov, V. Kyrki and H. Kälviäinen,
"Content-based matching of line-drawing images using the Hough
transform", Int. Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition,
3 (3), 117-124, 2000.
- T. Kaukoranta, P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen, "A fast exact
GLA based on code vector activity detection", IEEE Trans. on
Image Processing, 9 (8), 1337-1342, August 2000.
- P. Fränti, H.G. Gyllenberg, M. Gyllenberg, J. Kivijärvi, T. Koski,
T. Lund and O. Nevalainen, "Minimizing stochastic complexity using
local search and GLA with applications to classification of bacteria",
Biosystems, 57 (1), 37-48, June 2000.
- K. Lemström and P. Fränti, "N-candidate methods for location invariant
dithering of color images", Image and Vision Computing, 18 (6-7),
493-500, 2000.
- E.I. Ageenko and P. Fränti, "Context-based filtering of document
images", Pattern Recognition Letters, 21 (6-7), 483-491, 2000.
- P. Fränti, T. Kaukoranta, D.-F. Shen and K.-S. Chang, "Fast and memory
efficient implementation of the exact PNN", IEEE Trans. on Image
Processing, 9 (5), 773-777, May 2000.
- E.I. Ageenko and P. Fränti, "Lossless compression of large binary
images in digital spatial libraries", Computers & Graphics, 24
(1), 91-98, February 2000.
- P. Fränti, "Genetic algorithm with deterministic crossover for vector
quantization", Pattern Recognition Letters, 21 (1), 61-68, 2000.
- T. Kaukoranta, P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen, "Vector quantization by
lazy pairwise nearest neighbor method", Optical Engineering, 38
(11), 1862-1868, November 1999.
- P. Fränti, E.I. Ageenko and A.N. Kolesnikov, "Vectorising and
feature-based filtering for line-drawing image compression", Pattern
Analysis and Applications, 2 (4), 285-291, 1999.
- E.I. Ageenko and P. Fränti, "Forward-adaptive method for compressing
large binary images", Software Practice & Experience, 29 (11),
943-952, 1999.
- P. Fränti and T. Kaukoranta, "Binary vector quantizer design using
soft centroids", Signal Processing: Image Communication, 14 (9),
677-681, 1999.
- P. Fränti and T. Hatakka, "Context model automata for text
compression", The Computer Journal, 41 (7), 474-485, 1998.
- T. Kaukoranta, P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen "Iterative split-and-merge
algorithm for VQ codebook generation", Optical Engineering,
37 (10), 2726-2732, October 1998.
- P. Fränti, J. Kivijärvi and O. Nevalainen: "Tabu search algorithm
for codebook generation in VQ", Pattern Recognition, 31 (8),
1139-1148, August 1998.
- P. Fränti: "Blockwise Distortion Measure for Statistical and
Structural Errors in Digital Images", Signal Processing: Image
Communication, 13 (2), 89-98, August 1998.
- E.I. Ageenko and P. Fränti: "Enhanced JBIG-based Compression Method
for Satisfying Objectives of Engineering Document Management System",
Optical Engineering, 37 (5), 1530-1538, May 1998.
- P. Fränti, J. Kivijärvi, T. Kaukoranta and O. Nevalainen:
"Genetic algorithms for large scale clustering problem",
The Computer Journal, 40 (9), 547-554, 1997.
- P. Fränti, T. Kaukoranta and O. Nevalainen: "On the Splitting
Method for VQ Codebook Generation", Optical Engineering,
36 (11), 3043-3051, November 1997.
- P. Fränti, T. Kaukoranta and O. Nevalainen: "On the Design of
a Hierarchical BTC-VQ Compression System", Signal Processing:
Image Communication, 8 (6), 551-562, 1996.
- T. Kaukoranta, P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen: "Reallocation of GLA
codevectors for evading local minima", Electronics Letters,
32 (17), 1563-1564, 1996.
- P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen: "Compression of Binary Images by
Composite Methods Based on the Block Coding", Journal of Visual
Communication and Image Representation, 6 (4), 366-377, 1995.
- P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen: "Block Truncation Coding with Entropy
Coding", IEEE Trans. on Communications, 43 (4), 1677-1685,
- P. Fränti, O. Nevalainen and T. Kaukoranta: "Compression of Digital
Images by Block Truncation Coding: A Survey", The Computer Journal,
37 (4), 308-332, 1994.
- J. Kari and P. Fränti: "Arithmetic Coding of Weighted Finite
Automata", RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications,
28 (3-4), 343-360, 1994.
- P. Fränti: "A Fast and Efficient Compression Method for Binary
Images", Signal Processing: Image Communication, 6 (1), 69-76,
- P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen: "A Two-Stage Modelling Method for
Compressing Binary Images by Arithmetic Coding", The Computer
Journal, 36 (7), 615-622, 1993.
Refereed conference papers:
- N. Fazal and P. Fränti, "Mopsify: Gamified crowdsourcing for content creation in location-based games", Int. Conf. on Advanced Geographic
Information Systems, Applications, and Services, Barcelona, Spain, 18-22, IARIA Press, May 2024.
S. Rahardja and P. Fränti, "NoSimple: Simple data bias evaluation metrics", IEEE Int. Conf. on Ubiquitous
Information Management and Communication, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 2024.
N. Fazal and P. Fränti, "Relevant tag extraction based on image visual content",
Int. Conf. on Applied Intelligence (ICAI 2023), Nanning, China,
in Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2015. Springer, Singapore, 2024.
J. Tuononen and P. Fränti, "Simple and fast TSP initialization by Delaunay graph", Int. Conf. on Image, Video
Processing and Artificial Intelligence (IVPAI 2023), Shenzhen, China, in Proc. SPIE 13074, 2024.
- P. Fränti, R. Mariescu-Istodor and A. Akram,
"Web-tool for optimizing locations of health centers",
Int. Conf. on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCist'2022),
219, 1120-1127, Lisboa, Portugal, October 2022.
- L. Nigro, F. Cicirelli and P. Fränti,
"Efficient and reliable clustering by parallel random swap algorithm",
IEEE/ACM Int. Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT),
Ales, France, 25-28, September 2022.
- M. Fatemi, K. Kucher, M. Laitinen and P. Fränti,
"Self-similarity of Twitter users",
Swedish Workshop on Data Science (SweDS), 1-7, December 2021.
- H. Shah, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "WebRank:
Language-independent extraction of keywords from webpages", IEEE Int.
Conf. on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC-2021),
184-192, Tampere & Shanghai, December 2021.
- N. Shah, D. Patel and P. Fränti, "Image segmentation by pairwise
nearest neighbor using Mumford-Shah model", Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems
and Data Mining (FSDM), in Proceedings of the CECNet, Seoul, South
Korea, October 2021.
- N. Fazal, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti,
"Using open street map for content creation in location-based games,"
Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 109-117,
Tampere, Finland, May 2021.
- J.W. Yang. S. Rahardja and P. Fränti, "Outlier detection: how to threshold outlier scores?",
Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing and Cloud Computing (AIIPCC2019),
Sanya, China, Article No. 37, December 2019.
- H. Shah, M. Rezaei and P. Fränti, "DOM-based keyword extraction from web pages",
Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing and Cloud Computing (AIIPCC2019),
Sanya, China, Article No. 62, December 2019.
- P. Fränti and H. Nenonen, "Modifying Kruskal algorithm to solve open loop TSP",
Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference (MISTA), 584-590, Ningbo, China, December 2019.
- R. Mariescu-Istodor, R. Ungureanu and P. Fränti, "Real-time destination prediction for mobile users",
Advances in Cartography and GIScience of the ICA Series, Vienna, Austria, November 2019.
- L. Sengupta and P. Fränti, "Predicting difficulty of TSP instances using MST",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 847-852, Helsinki, 2019.
- H. Shah, M.U.S. Khan and P. Fränti, "H-rank: a keywords extraction method from web pages using POS tags",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 264-269, Helsinki, 2019.
- J.W. Yang. S. Rahardja and P. Fränti, "Mean-shift outlier detection",
Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM), Bangkok, Thailand,
November 2018. In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and
Applications (FAIA), Vol. 309, 208-215, November 2018.
(best presentation award)
- T.C.T. Ho and P. Fränti, "Multi-agent approach traffic forecast for
planning urban road infrastructure", IEEE TENCON, Jeju Island,
Korea, 1801-1806, October 2018.
- T.C.T. Ho and P. Fränti, "Real-time electric vehicle load forecast to
meet timely energy dispatch", IEEE Int. Conf. on Service Operations and
Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI), Singapore, 148-153, August 2018.
- P. Fränti and S. Sieranoja, "Dimensionally distributed density estimation",
Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC),
Zakopane, Poland, 343-353, June 2018.
- P. Fränti, R. Mariescu-Istodor and K. Waga,
"Similarity of mobile users based on sparse location history",
Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC),
Zakopane, Poland, 593-603, June 2018.
- P. Fränti and J.W. Yang, "Medoid-shift noise removal to improve clustering",
Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC),
Zakopane, Poland, 604-614, June 2018.
- S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti, "Random projection for k-means clustering",
Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC),
Zakopane, Poland, 680-689, June 2018.
- S. Sieranoja and P. Fränti,
"Fast random pair divisive construction of kNN graph using generic
distance measures",
Int. Conf. on Big Data & Computing, Shenzhen, China, 95-98, April 2018.
(best presentation award)
- R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti,
"Detecting location-based user actions",
Int. Conf. on Location Based Services (LBS), Adjunct proceedings,
Zürich, Switzerland, 1-6, January 2018.
- R. Mariescu-Istodor, P. Heng and P. Fränti,
"Roundness measure for GPS routes",
Int. Conf. on Location Based Services (LBS), Adjunct proceedings,
Zürich, Switzerland, 81-86, January 2018.
- N. Gali, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Functional
Classification of Websites", Int. Symposium on Information
and Communication Technology (SoICT 2017), Nha Trang,
Vietnam, 34-41, December 2017.
- N. Gali, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Similarity measures for
title matching", IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, (ICPR'16),
Cancun, Mexico, 1549-1554, December 2016.
- P. Fränti R. Mariescu-Istodor and C. Zhong, "XNN graph",
Joint Int. Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical
Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR 2016), Merida, Mexico, LNCS 10029,
207-217, November 2016.
- P. Fränti and M. Rezaei, "Generalized centroid index to different
clustering models", Joint Int. Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern
Recognition (S+SSPR 2016), Merida, Mexico, LNCS 10029, 285-296, November 2016.
- R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Gesture input for GPS route search",
Joint Int. Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition
(S+SSPR 2016), Merida, Mexico, LNCS 10029, 439-449, November 2016.
- S. Sieranoja, T. Kinnunen and P. Fränti, "GPS trajectory biometrics:
from where you were to how you move", Joint Int. Workshop on Structural,
Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR 2016), Merida,
Mexico, LNCS 10029, 450-460, November 2016.
- N. Gali and P. Fränti, "Content-based title extraction from web page",
Int. Conf. on Web Information Systems & Technologies (WEBIST'16),
Vol.2, 204-210, Rome, Italy, April 2016.
- M. Rezaei, N. Gali and P. Fränti "ClRank: a method for keyword
extraction from web pages using clustering and distribution of nouns",
IEEE/WIC/ACM Int. Joint Conf. in Web Intelligence and Intelligent
Agent Technology (WI-AIT'15), 79-84, Singapore, 2015.
- N. Gali, A. Tabarcea, and P. Fränti, "Extracting representative image
from web page", Int. Conf. on Web Information Systems & Technologies
(WEBIST'15), 411-419, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015.
- P. Fränti, K. Waga, and C. Khurana, "Can social network be
used for location-aware recommendation?", Int. Conf. on Web
Information Systems & Technologies (WEBIST'15), 558-565,
Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015.
- Z.J. Zhu, Z.G. Li, S.G. Wu and P. Fränti, "Noise reduced high
dynamic range tone mapping using information content weights", IEEE
Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, (ICASSP'15),
Brisbabe, Australia, 1255-1259, April 2015.
- T.C.T. Ho, R. Yu, J.R. Lin and P. Fränti, "Modelling implications
& impacts of going green with EV in Singapore with multi-agent systems",
Annual Summit and Conference of Asian-Pacific Signal and Information
Processing Association (APSIPA), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 1-6, December
- M.I. Malinen and P. Fränti, "Balanced K-means for clustering",
Joint Int. Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical
Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR 2014), LNCS 8621, 35-44, Joensuu,
Finland, August 2014.
- V. Hautamäki, A. Pöllänen, T. Kinnunen, K.A. Lee, H. Li, and
P. Fränti, "A comparison of categorical attribute data clustering",
Joint Int. Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical
Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR 2014), LNCS 8621, 55-64, Joensuu,
Finland, August 2014.
- M. Rezaei and P. Fränti, "Matching similarity for
keyword-based clustering", Joint Int. Workshop on Structural,
Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR 2014),
LNCS 8621, 195-204, Joensuu, Finland, August 2014.
- R. Mariescu-Istodor, A. Tabarcea, R. Saeidi and P. Fränti, "Low
complexity spatial similarity of GPS trajectories", Int. Conf. on
Web Information Systems & Technologies (WEBIST'14), Barcelona,
Spain, April 2014.
- C. Zhong, M.I. Malinen, D. Miao and P. Fränti, "A fast minimum
spanning tree algorithm based on K means", Int. Conf. Computer
Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'13), York, UK, LNCS 8047,
262-269, August 2013.
- K. Waga, A. Tabarcea, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "Real
time access to multiple GPS tracks", Int. Conf. on Web Information
Systems & Technologies (WEBIST'13), Aachen, Germany, 293-299, May
- A. Tabarcea, Z. Wan, K. Waga and P. Fränti, "O-Mopsi: mobile
orienteering game using geotagged photos", Int. Conf. on Web
Information Systems & Technologies (WEBIST'13), Aachen, Germany,
300-303, May 2013.
- Q. Zhao, M. Rezaei, H. Chen and P. Fränti, "Keyword clustering for
automatic categorization", IEEE Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition
(ICPR'12), Tsukuba City, Japan, 2845-2848, November 2012.
- M. Chen, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Compression of GPS
trajectories using optimized approximation", IEEE Int. Conf. on
Pattern Recognition (ICPR'12), Tsukuba City, Japan, 3180-3183,
November 2012.
- K. Waga, A. Tabarcea, R. Mariescu-Istodor and P. Fränti, "System
for real time storage, retrieval and visualization of GPS tracks",
Int. Conf. System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC),
Sinai, Romania, Vol. 2, October 2012.
- K. Waga, A. Tabarcea, M. Chen and P. Fränti, "Detecting movement
type by route segmentation and classification", IEEE Int. Conf.
on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing
(CollaborateCom'12), Pittsburgh, USA, 2012.
- K. Waga, A. Tabarcea and P. Fränti, "Recommendation of points of
interest from user generated data collection", IEEE Int. Conf. on
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing
(CollaborateCom'12), Pittsburgh, USA, 2012.
- M. Chen, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Compression of GPS trajectories",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Compression Conference (DCC'12),
Snowbird, Utah, 62-71, April 2012
- Q. Zhao, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Expanding external validity measures
for determining the number of clusters", Int. Conf. on Intelligent
Systems Design and Applications (ISDA'11), Cordoba, Spain, 931-936,
November 2011.
- K. Waga, A. Tabarcea and P. Fränti, "Context aware recommendation
of location-based data", Int. Conf. on System Theory, Control and
Computing (ICSTCC'2011), Sinaia, Romania, 658-663, October 2011.
- E. Karpov, Z. Nasibov, T. Kinnunen and P. Fränti, "Combining voice
activity detection algorithms by decision fusion", Speech and Computer
(SPECOM'11), Kazan, Russia, 278-283, September 2011.
- M. Chen, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Adaptive filtering of raster map
images using optimal context selection", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image
Processing (ICIP'11), Brussells, Belgium, 77-80, September 2011.
- Z.J. Zhu, Z.G. Li, S. Rahardja and P. Fränti, "De-ghosting of HDR
images with double-credit intensity mapping", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image
Processing (ICIP'11), Brussells, Belgium, 1361-1364, September
- P. Mowlaee, R. Saeidi, Z.-H. Tan, M.G. Christensen, T. Kinnunen,
S.H. Jensen, P. Fränti, R. Martin, "Sinusoidal-based approach for
single-channel speech separation and recognition challenge",
Interspeech'11, Florence, Italy, 677-680, August 2011.
- Q. Zhao, V. Hautamäki and P. Fränti, "RSEM: an accelerated
algorithm on repeated EM", Int. Conf. Image & Graphics (ICIG'11),
Hefei, China, 135-140, August 2011.
- M.I. Malinen and P. Fränti, "K-means*: clustering by gradual data
transformation", Int. Conf. Image & Graphics (ICIG'11),
Hefei, China, 350-355, August 2011.
- P. Fränti, J. Chen, A. Tabarcea, "Four aspects of relevance in
location-based media: content, time, location and network", Int. Conf.
on Web Information Systems & Technologies (WEBIST'11),
Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 413-417, May 2011.
- R. Saeidi, P. Mowlaee, T. Kinnunen, Z.-H. Tan, M.G. Christensen, S.H.
Jensen, P. Fränti, "Improving monaural speaker identification by
double-talk detection", Interspeech'2010, Makuhari, Japan,
1069-1072, September 2010.
- M. Chen, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Fast dynamic quantization algorithm for
vector map compression", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing
(ICIP'10), Hong Kong, China, 4289-4292, September 2010.
- Z.J. Zhu, Z.G. Li, S. Rahardja and P. Fränti, "Detecting
near-identical HDR images without exposure information", IEEE Int.
Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'10), Hong Kong, China, 3337-3340,
September 2010.
- M. Chen, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Optimized entropy-constrained vector
quantization of lossy vector map compression", IEEE Int. Conf. on
Pattern Recognition (ICPR'10), Istanbul, Turkey, 722-725, August 2010.
- R. Saeidi, P. Mowlaee T. Kinnunen, M.G. Christensen, Z.-H. Tan, S.H.
Jensen and P. Fränti, "Signal-to-signal ratio independent speaker
identification for co-channel speech signals", IEEE Int. Conf. on
Pattern Recognition (ICPR'10), Istanbul, Turkey, 4565-4568, August
- M. Chen, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Statistical filtering of raster
map images", IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME'10),
Singapore, 394-399, July 2010.
- P. Fränti, A. Tabarcea, J. Kuittinen, V. Hautamäki,
"Location-based search engine for multimedia phones", IEEE Int. Conf.
on Multimedia & Expo (ICME'10), Singapore, 558-563, July 2010.
- J. Chen, Q. Zhao, and P. Fränti, "Smart swap for more efficient
clustering", Int. Conf. Green Circuits and Systems (ICGCS'10),
Shanghai, China, 446-450, June 2010.
- W. Tian, M. Chen, M. Xu, P. Fränti and H. Wang, "Image denoising
using context quantization and local linear regression", Int. Conf.
Green Circuits and Systems (ICGCS'10), Shanghai, China, 451-456,
June 2010.
- M. Chen, P. Fränti and M. Xu, "Lossless bit-plane compression of
images with context tree modeling", Int. Conf. Green Circuits and
Systems (ICGCS'10), Shanghai, China, 605-610, June 2010.
- Z.J. Zhu, S. Rahardja, S.Q. Wu, P. Fränti, "Real-time ghost
removal for composing high dynamic range images", IEEE Conf.
Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA'10), Taichung,
Taiwan, 1627-1631, June 2010.
- A. Tabarcea, V. Hautamäki, P. Fränti, "Ad-hoc georeferencing of
web-pages using street-name prefix trees", Int. Conf. on Web
Information Systems & Technologies (WEBIST'10), Valencia, Spain,
vol.1, 237-244, April 2010.
- P. Fränti, J. Kuittinen, A. Tabarcea, L. Sakala, "MOPSI
location-based search engine: concept, architecture and prototype",
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'10), Sierre, Switzerland,
872-873, March, 2010.
- R. Saeidi, T. Kinnunen, H.R. Sadegh Mohammadi, R.D. Rodman and
P. Fränti, "Joint frame and Gaussian selection for text independent
speaker verification", IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing, (ICASSP'10), Dallas, TX, USA, 4530-4534, March
- P. Mowlaee, R. Saeidi, Z.-H. Tan, M.G. Christensen, P. Fränti, and
S.H. Jensen, "Joint single-channel speech separation and speaker
identification", IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing, (ICASSP'10), Dallas, TX, USA, 4430-4433, March 2010.
- Q. Zhao, V. Hautamäki, I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Random swap
EM algorithm for finite mixtures models in image segmentation", IEEE
Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'09), Cairo, Egypt, 2397-2400,
November 2009.
- M. Chen, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Multi-layer filtering approach for
map images", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'09),
Cairo, Egypt, 3953-3956, November 2009.
- Q. Zhao, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Sum-of-squares based clustering
validity index and significance analysis", Int. Conf. on Adaptive
and Natural Computing Algorithms (ICANNGA'09), Kuopio, Finland,
LNCS 5495, 313-322, April 2009.
- P. Fränti and O. Virmajoki, "On the efficiency of swap-based
clustering", Int. Conf. on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms
(ICANNGA'09), Kuopio, Finland, LNCS 5495, 303-312, April 2009.
- T. Kinnunen, J. Saastamoinen, V. Hautamäki, M. Vinni and
P. Fränti, "Comparing maximum a posteriori vector quantization and
mixture models in speaker verification", IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, (ICASSP'09), Taipei, Taiwan,
4229-4232, April 2009.
- P. Fränti, J. Saastamoinen, I. Kärkkäinen, T. Kinnunen,
V. Hautamäki, and I. Sidoroff, "Developing speaker recognition system:
from prototype to practical application", Int. Conf. Forensic
Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, Information and
Multimedia (e-Forensics'09), Adelaide, Australia, LNICST vol. 8,
101-114, January 2009. (Revised Selected Papers)
- P. Fränti, O. Virmajoki and V. Hautamäki,
"Probabilistic clustering by random swap algorithm", IAPR Int. Conf.
on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'08), Tampa, Florida, USA, December
- V. Hautamäki, P. Nykänen and P. Fränti, "Time-series clustering by
approximate prototypes", IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR'08), Tampa, Florida, USA, December 2008.
- Q. Zhao, M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Knee point detection on bayesian
information criterion", IEEE Int. Conf. Tools with Artificial
Intelligence (ICTAI'08), Dayton, Ohio, USA, 431-438, November
- Q. Zhao, V. Hautamäki and P. Fränti, "Knee point detection in BIC
for detecting the number of clusters", Advanced Concepts for
Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS'08), Juan-les-Pins, France, LNCS
vol. 5259, 664 673, October 2008.
- P. Fränti, M. Tuononen and O. Virmajoki, "Deterministic and
randomized local search algorithms for clustering", IEEE Int. Conf.
on Multimedia and Expo, (ICME'08), Hannover, Germany, 837-840,
June 2008.
- M. Tuononen, R. González Hautamäki and P. Fränti, "Automatic voice
activity detection in different speech applications", Int. Conf. on
Forensic Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, Information
and Multimedia (e-Forensics'08), Adelaide, Australia, Article No.12,
January 2008.
- A. Podlasov, P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "Statistical filtering of
raster map images using a context tree model", Int. Conf. Signal-Image
Technology & Internet-based Systems (IEEE-SITIS'07), Shanghai, China,
467-474, December 2007.
- V. Hautamäki, M. Tuononen, T. Niemi-Laitinen and P. Fränti,
"Improving speaker verification by periodicity based voice activity
detection", Int. Conf. on Speech and Computer (SPECOM'07),
Moscow, Russia, vol. 2, 645-650, October 2007.
(VAD data)
- T. Kinnunen, E. Chernenko, M. Tuononen, P. Fränti and H. Li,
"Voice activity detection using MFCC features and support vector machine",
Int. Conf. on Speech and Computer (SPECOM'07), Moscow, Russia,
vol. 2, 556-561, October 2007.
- A. Podlasov, A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Lossy compression of
scanned map images", Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Vision
(GraphiCon'07), Moscow, Russia, 79-83, June 2007.
- T. Kinnunen, V. Hautamäki and P. Fränti, "On the use of long-term
average spectrum in automatic speaker recognition", Int. Symp. on
Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP'06), Singapore,
559-567, December 2006.
- R. Timofte, V. Hautamäki and P. Fränti, "Speaker, vocabulary and
context independent word spotting system in continuous speech", Int.
Symp. on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP'06), Singapore,
396-407, December 2006.
- A. Podlasov and P. Fränti, "Merge-based color quantization and
context tree modeling for compression of color quantized images", IEEE
Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
2277-2280, October 2006.
- H. Huang, S. Rahardja, X. Lin, R. Yu and P. Fränti, "The cascaded
RLS-LMS prediction in MPEG-4 lossless audio coding", IEEE Int. Conf.
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, (ICASSP'06), Toulouse,
France, vol. 5, 181-184, May 2006.
- A. Akimov, A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Lossless compression
of color map images by context tree modeling", IEEE Data Compression
Conference (DCC'06), Snowbird, Utah, USA, 412-421, March 2006.
- I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Gradual model generator for single-pass
clustering", IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM'05),
Houston, Texas, 681-684, November 2005.
- J. Saastamoinen, Z. Fiedler, T. Kinnunen and P. Fränti,
"On factors affecting MFCC-based speaker recognition accuracy",
Int. Conf. on Speech and Computer
(SPECOM'05), Patras, Greece, 503-506, October 2005.
- H. Gupta, V. Hautamäki, T. Kinnunen and P. Fränti, "Field
evaluation of text-dependent speaker recognition in an access control
application", Int. Conf. on Speech and Computer (SPECOM'05),
Patras, Greece, 551-554, October 2005.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Optimal algorithm for convexity
measure calculation", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'05),
Genoa, Italy, vol. 1, 353-356, September 2005.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Min-# polygonal approximation of
closed curves", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'05),
Genoa, Italy, vol. 2, 522-525, September 2005.
- I. Cleju, P. Fränti, X. Wu, "Clustering by principal curve
with tree structure", Int. Symposium on Signals, Circuits &
Systems (ISSCS'05), vol. 2, 617-620, Iasi, Romania, July 2005.
- A. Akimov, A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, Context tree modeling of chain
codes for contour compression", Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis
(SCIA'05), Joensuu, Finland, LNCS vol. 3540, 312-321, June
- R. Bednarik, T. Kinnunen, A. Mihaila and P. Fränti, "Eye-movements as
a biometric", Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis (SCIA'05),
Joensuu, Finland, LNCS vol. 3540, 780-789, June 2005.
- S. Cherednichenko, V. Hautamäki, T. Kinnunen, I. Kärkkäinen and P.
Fränti, "Improving k-means by outlier removal", Scandinavian Conf.
on Image Analysis (SCIA'05), Joensuu, Finland, LNCS vol. 3540,
978-987, June 2005.
- I. Cleju, P. Fränti, X. Wu, "Clustering based on principal curve",
Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis (SCIA'05), Joensuu, Finland,
LNCS vol. 3540, 872-881, June 2005.
- T. Niemi-Laitinen, J. Saastamoinen, T. Kinnunen, and P. Fränti,
"Applying MFCC-based automatic speaker recognition to GSM and forensic
data", 2nd Baltic Conf. on Human Language Technologies (HLT'05),
317-322, Tallinn, Estonia, April 2005.
- P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "Filtering of color map
images by context tree modeling", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image
Processing (ICIP'04), Singapore,
vol. 1, 267-270, October 2004.
- A. Akimov, A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Reference line approach for
vector data compression", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'04),
Singapore, vol. 2, 1891-1894, October 2004.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Optimal multiresolution approximation of
vector maps",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'04), Singapore,
vol. 3, 3037-3040, October 2004.
- I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Variable metric for binary vector
quantization", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'04),
Singapore, vol. 3, 3499-3502, October 2004.
- M. Xu and P. Fränti, "A heuristic k-means clustering algorithm by kernel
PCA", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'04),
Singapore, vol. 3, 3503-3506, October 2004.
- T. Kinnunen, E. Karpov and P. Fränti, "Real-time speaker identification",
Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, (ICSLP'04),
Jeju Island, Korea, vol 3, 1805-1808, October 2004.
- T. Kinnunen, E. Karpov and P. Fränti, "Efficient online cohort
selection method for speaker verification",
Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, (ICSLP'04),
Jeju Island, Korea, vol 3, 2401-2405, October 2004.
- R. Bednarik and P. Fränti, "Survival of students with different
learning preferences", Annual Finnish/Baltic Sea Conference on
Computer Science Education (Koli Calling 2004), Koli, Finland,
121-125, October 2004.
- J. Saastamoinen, E. Karpov and P. Fränti, "Automatic speaker recognition
for series 60 mobile devices",
Int. Conf. Speech and Computer (SPECOM'2004), St. Petersburg,
Russia, 353-360, September 2004.
- T. Kinnunen, V. Hautamäki and P. Fränti, "Fusion of spectral
feature sets for accurate speaker identification",
Int. Conf. Speech and Computer (SPECOM'2004), St. Petersburg,
Russia, 361-365, September 2004.
- E. Karpov, T. Kinnunen and P. Fränti, "Symmetric distortion
measure for speaker recognition",
Int. Conf. Speech and Computer (SPECOM'2004), St. Petersburg,
Russia, 366-370, September 2004.
- A. Akimov and P. Fränti, "Grammar-based compression using
multi-phase hierarchical segmentation",
IASTED Conf. on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing
(VIIP'04), Marbella, Spain, 364-368, September 2004.
- A. Akimov, A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Coordinate quantization
in vector map compression",
IASTED Conf. on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP'04)
, Marbella, Spain, 748-753, September 2004.
- P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "Color quantization of map images",
IASTED Conf. on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP'04)
, Marbella, Spain, 837-842, September 2004.
- O. Virmajoki and P. Fränti, "Divide-and-conquer algorithm for
creating neighborhood graph for clustering",
IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04),
Cambridge, UK, vol. 1, 264-267, August 2004.
- A. Kolesnikov, P. Fränti and X. Wu, "Multiresolution polygonal
approximation of digital curves",
IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04),
Cambridge, UK, vol. 2, 855-858, August 2004.
- V. Hautamäki, I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Outlier detection
using k-nearest neighbour graph",
IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04),
Cambridge, UK, vol. 3, 430-433, August 2004.
- M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Delta-MSE dissimilarity in suboptimal
K-means clustering",
IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04),
Cambridge, UK, vol. 4, 577-580, August 2004.
- M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Iterative k-means algorithm based on Fisher
discriminant", Int. Conf. on Information Fusion, Stockholm,
Sweden, vol. 1, 70-73, June 2004.
- A. Akimov and P. Fränti, "Symbol representation in map image
compression", ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'04),
Nicosia, Cyprus, vol. 1, 29-34, March 2004.
- P. Fränti and O. Virmajoki, "Genetic algorithm using
iterative shrinking for solving clustering problems",
Proc. Wessex Data Mining Conf. 2003, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil,
193-204, December 2003.
- P. Fränti, O. Virmajoki and V. Hautamäki "Fast PNN-based
clustering using k-nearest neighbor graph",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM'03), Melbourne,
Florida, USA, 525-528, November 2003.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Fast algorithm for multiple-objects
min-e problem", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'03),
Barcelona, Spain, vol. 1, 221-224, September 2003.
- T. Kinnunen, V. Hautamäki and P. Fränti, "On the
fusion of dissimilarity-based classifiers for speaker identification",
European Conf. on Speech Communiation and Technology,
(Eurospeech'2003), Geneva, Switzerland, 2641-2644, September 2003.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "Polygonal approximation of closed
contours", Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis (SCIA'03),
Göteborg, Sweden, LNCS vol. 2749, 778-785, June 2003.
- M. Xu and P. Fränti, "Context clustering in lossless compression
of gray-scale image", Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis (SCIA'03)
, Göteborg, Sweden, LNCS vol. 2749, 328-334, June 2003.
- T. Kinnunen, E. Karpov and P. Fränti,
"A speaker pruning algorithm for real-time speaker identification",
Int. Conf. on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication
(AVBPA'03), Guildford, UK, 639-646, June 2003.
- P. Kopylov, and P. Fränti, "Optimal layer ordering in the
compression of map images",
IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC'03), Snowbird, Utah,
USA, 323-332, April 2003.
- O. Virmajoki and P. Fränti, "Multilevel thresholding by fast PNN
based algorithm",
SPIE Conf. on Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems,
Santa Clara, USA, SPIE Vol. 5014, 123-134, January 2003.
- P. Fränti and V. Hautamäki, "Compression of aerial images for
reduced-color devices",
SPIE Conf. on Image and Video Communications and Processing,
Santa Clara, USA, SPIE Vol. 5022, Part II, 651-662, January 2003.
- P. Fränti, P. Kopylov and V. Veis, "Dynamic use of
map images in mobile environment",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'02), Rochester, New
York, USA, vol. 3, 917-920, September 2002.
- O. Virmajoki, P. Fränti and T. Kaukoranta, "Iterative shrinking
method for generating clustering", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image
Processing (ICIP'02), Rochester, New York, USA, vol. 2, 685-688,
September 2002.
- A. Akimov, P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "Semi-adaptive dictionary
based compression of map images", GraphiCon'2002,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 218-224, September 2002.
- I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Stepwise algorithm for finding
unknown number of clusters",
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS'2002),
Gent, Belgium, 136-143, September 2002.
- P. Fränti and O. Virmajoki, "Polynomial-time clustering algorithms
derived from branch-and-bound technique",
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS'2002),
Gent, Belgium, 118-123, September 2002.
- P. Fränti and M. Xu, "Genetic local repartition for solving
dynamic clustering problems",
Int. Conf. on Signal Processing (ICSP'02), Beijing, China,
vol. 2, 1128-1133, August 2002.
- P. Fränti, O. Virmajoki and T. Kaukoranta, "Branch-and-bound
technique for solving optimal clustering",
Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02),
Québec, Canada, vol. 2, 232-235, August 2002.
- P. Fränti and M. Xu, "Classification of binary vectors by using
DSC-distance", Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02),
Québec, Canada, vol. 2, 52-55, August 2002.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "A fast near-optimal algorithm for
approximation of polygonal curves",
Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition
(ICPR'02), Québec, Canada, vol. 4, 335-338, August 2002.
- I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Dynamic local search for clustering
with unknown number of clusters",
Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'02),
Québec, Canada, vol. 2, 240-243, August 2002.
- P. Fränti, E. Ageenko, P. Kopylov, S. Gröhn and F. Berger, "Map image
compression for real-time applications", Joint Int. Symposium on Geospatial
Theory, Processing and Applications (Geomatics'2002),
Ottawa, Canada, 15 pages, July 2002.
- P. Fränti, P.Kopylov and E. Ageenko, "Evaluation of compression
methods for digital map images", IASTED Int. Conf. on Automation,
Control and Information Technology (ACIT 2002), Novosibirsk,
Russia, 418-422, June 2002.
- A. Kolesnikov and P. Fränti, "A fast near-optimal min-#
approximation of digitized curves",
IASTED Int. Conf. on Automation, Control and Information Technology
(ACIT 2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, 401-405, June 2002.
- P. Fränti, E. Ageenko, P. Kopylov and
S. Gröhn, "Compressing multi-component digital maps using JBIG2",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, (ICASSP'02), Orlando, Florida,
USA, vol.3, 2677-2680, May, 2002.
- G. Hariharan, P. Fränti and S. Mehta, "Data Mining for Personal
Navigation",Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools,
and Technology IV, Orlando, Florida, USA, vol. 4730, 355-365,
April, 2002.
- P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "Context tree compression of multi-component
map images", IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC'02),
Snowbird, Utah, USA, 212-221, April 2002.
- O. Virmajoki, P. Fränti and T. Kaukoranta, "Fast PNN using
mean-distance ordered search",
Int. Conf. on Information, Communications and Signal Processing
(ICICS'01), Singapore, October, 2001.
- E.I. Ageenko, P. Kopylov and P. Fränti, "On the size and shape
of multi-level context templates for compression of map images",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'01),
Thessaloniki, Greece, vol.3, 458-461, October 2001.
- O. Virmajoki, P. Fränti and T. Kaukoranta, "Fast PNN using
partial distortion search",
Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'01)
, Warsaw, Poland, 77-84, September, 2001.
- T. Kinnunen, I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Is speech data
clustered? - statistical analysis of cepstral features",
European Conf. on Speech Communiation and Technology,
(EUROSPEECH'2001), Aalborg, Denmark, Vol. 4, pp. 2627-2630,
September, 2001.
- T. Kinnunen and P. Fränti, "Speaker discriminative weighting method
for VQ-based speaker identification",
Int. Conf. on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication
(AVBPA'01), Halmstad, Sweden, 150-156, June 2001.
- P. Fränti, E.I. Ageenko, H. Kälviäinen and S. Kukkonen, "On the
use of Hough transform for context-based image compression in hybrid
raster/vector applications",
Indian Conf. on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
(ICVGIP'00), Bangalore, India, 364-372, 2000.
- T. Kinnunen, T. Kilpeläinen and P. Fränti, "Comparison of
clustering algorithms in speaker identification",
IASTED Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Communications
(SPC'00), Marbella, Spain, 222-227, 2000.
- V. Efimov, P. Fränti, A. Kolesnikov and A. Nesterov, "Optimal
filtering of time jitter noise at amplitude-pulse modulation",
IASTED Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Communications
(SPC'00), Marbella, Spain, 299-302, 2000.
- I. Kärkkäinen and P. Fränti, "Minimization of the value of
Davies-Bouldin index",
IASTED Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Communications
(SPC'00), Marbella, Spain, 426-432, 2000.
- P. Fränti, A. Mednonogov and H. Kälviäinen, "Hough transform for
rotation invariant matching of line-drawing images",
Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'00), Barcelona,
Spain, 379-382, vol. 4, 2000.
- E.I. Ageenko, P. Kopylov and P. Fränti "Optimizing context template
for compression of multi-component map images",
GraphiCon, Moscow, Russia, 151-156, 2000.
- P. Fränti, A. Mednonogov and H. Kälviäinen, "Content-based retrieval
of line-drawing images using angular information of Hough transform",
GraphiCon, Moscow, Russia, 51-55, 2000.
- E.I. Ageenko and P. Fränti, "Compression of large binary images
in digital spatial libraries",
SPIE Conf. on Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases,
San Jose, CA, SPIE vol. 3972, 301-309, 2000.
- E.I. Ageenko and P. Fränti, "Context-based filtering for document
image compression", SPIE Conf. on Document Recognition and Retrieval,
San Jose, CA, SPIE vol. 3967, 78-87, 2000.
- P. Fränti and E.I. Ageenko, "On the use of context tree for binary image
compression", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'99),
Kobe, Japan,
vol. 3, 752-756, 1999.
- E.I. Ageenko and P. Fränti, "Forward adaptive modeling for context-based
compression of large binary images in applications requiring spatial
access", IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'99),
Kobe, Japan, vol. 3, 757-761, 1999.
- P. Fränti and J. Kivijärvi, "Random swapping
technique for improving clustering in unsupervised classification",
11th Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis (SCIA'99),
Greenland, 407-413, 1999.
- P. Fränti, "On the usefulness of self-organizing maps for the
clustering problem in vector quantization",
11th Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis (SCIA'99),
Kangerlussuaq, Greenland,415-422, 1999.
- T. Kaukoranta, P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen, "Reduced comparison
search for the exact GLA", IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC'99),
Snowbird, Utah, USA, 33-41, April 1999.
- P. Fränti, E.I. Ageenko, H. Kälviäinen and S. Kukkonen, "Compression
of line drawing images using Hough transform for exploiting global
dependencies", Joint Conf. on Information Sciences (JCIS'98),
NC, USA, vol. 4, 433-436, 1998.
- T. Kaukoranta, P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen, "A new iterative codebook
generation method in vector quantization",
IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'98),
Chicago, IL, USA, vol. 2, 589-593, October 1998.
- P. Fränti and T. Kaukoranta, "Fast implementation of the optimal PNN
method", IEEE Int.Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'98),
Chicago, IL, USA vol. 3, 104-108, October 1998.
- P. Fränti, E.I. Ageenko, A.N. Kolesnikov and I.O. Chalenko,
"Compression of line-drawing images using vectorizing and feature-based
filtering", Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Visualization
Russia, 219-224, 1998.
- T. Kaukoranta, P. Fränti, and O. Nevalainen "Fast and space efficient
PNN algorithm with delayed distance calculations",
8th Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Visualization (GraphiCon'98),
Moscow, Russia, 239-244, 1998.
- P. Fränti: "Image quality measure based on local visual properties",
Picture Coding Symposium, Berlin, Germany, 217-220, 1997.
- E.I. Ageenko and P. Fränti: "Storage system for document
imaging applications", Picture Coding Symposium, Berlin,
Germany, 361-364, 1997.
- P. Fränti, J. Kivijärvi, T. Kaukoranta and O. Nevalainen:
"Genetic algorithms for codebook generation in vector quantization",
3rd Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms, Helsinki, Finland,
207-222, 1997.
- P. Fränti, T. Kaukoranta and O. Nevalainen: "Blockwise distortion
measure in image compression", SPIE Conf. on Very High Resolution
and Quality Imaging, San Jose, CA, USA, SPIE vol. 2663, 78-87,
- T. Kaukoranta, P. Fränti and O. Nevalainen: "Empirical study on
subjective quality evaluation of compressed images", SPIE Conf.
on Very High Resolution and Quality Imaging, San Jose, CA, USA,
SPIE vol. 2663, 88-99, 1996.
- P. Fränti, T. Kaukoranta and O. Nevalainen: "A new approach to BTC-VQ
image compression system", Picture Coding Symposium,
Sacramento, CA, USA, 162-165, 1994.
Selected other papers:
- P. Fränti, Do we need publishers?,
Think Open, Helsinki University blog, published 2025-1-9.
- P. Fränti, What is wrong with peer review?,
Think Open, Helsinki University blog, published 2024-11-14.
- P. Fränti, "What is wrong with MDPI: Is it a predator or a serious competitor?",
arXiv:2411.08051, 2024.
- P. Fränti, J. Shen, C.-C. Hung, "Applied Computing and Intelligence: A new open access journal",
Applied Computing and Intelligence, 4(1), 19-23, 2024.
- P. Fränti, G. Brown, M. Loog, F. Escolano, M. Pelillo (editors), Proceedings of the Joint IAPR International Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern
Recognition: S+SSPR 2014, Joensuu, Finland, August 2014.
- T. Kinnunen and P. Fränti (editors), Proceedings of Odyssey: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop 2014, Joensuu, Finland, June 2014.
- P. Fränti and E. Marjomaa (editors), "Proceedings of the Computer Science Days", Int. Proceedings Series 5, Dept. of Computer Science, 2004. (in Finnish)
- P. Fränti, "Mobile navigation for a broad consumer's market: dynamic map handling",
GIM International, 17 (1), January 2003.
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